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Year 194 of the Sixth Age; or the Year 2237 CR (Common Record)

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Maruvé is the setting of an upcoming novel series, as of yet untitled.   Long ago, in the age of the arrival of men, it is said that there were six ancient trees dotted across the world that allowed the passage of men and creatures into Maruvé from other, connected worlds. This, however, is now seen as an archaic story born from the tribal minds of men, who all claim nativity to their lands: the Aftrians, Ufetrians, Furnis and Jzacovs.   However, the People of the Trees, who call themselves the Yanuvin, claim that they and the Hjungvast, or the Stonemen of the North, are the rightful inhabitants of Maruvé. They believe that they are the descendants of an ancient race, known only as the Lost Children of Maru, who also forged the Stonemen from the ground itself. Yanuvin beliefs also say that they have regular counsel with the creator of Maruvé, Maru, one of seven sister gods known as the U'dunmal.   The world of Maruvé has changed drastically many times, resulting in many people dividing up the past into distant eras, epochs and ages. The current age was brought in by the fall of the Aftrian Empire, bringing an end to a thousand year long reign of darkness and destruction. This age, the Seventh Age of Man, has been marked as a shift in global politics, with the power vacuum of the central power of Aftria and the near extinction of the Stonemen, all of the other five great powers of the world have begun to expand and enter the world into an age previously unforeseen.

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