Wilsdeep Settlement in Marrow | World Anvil
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The only major settlement in The Wilds, Wilsdeep was once called Chahe Hold and controlled by the Varowe Elves. The Varowe elves have since removed themselves from the area but some elves remain. Since then, the city has turned into a mecha for traders, travelers, and those looking to make some quick gold. Many have come to partake in the wealth of resources The Wilds has to offer.


The city is predominantly halflings and gnomes. The second largest population is Ludaan elves, then Oath humans, Qi Wei humans, Dwarves, and finally Varowe Elves.


The Ludaan Elves run the majority of the cities government with some respect paid to the gnomes and halflings who's land it technically belongs to. Several organizations have been created in an attempt to protect the land for the gnomes and halflings.


The city is mostly open to attackers except for the castle which has a wall surrounding it.

Industry & Trade

Most inhabitants now work in the travel industry which practically popped up overnight. Inns, weapon sellers, and other places catering to adventurers and tourists are common.


The city is centered around a river and market on the east bank of the river. To the far east is a castle which serves as a government building.

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Chahe Hold was founded sometime late in the Current Times, before the onset of the war between Oath and Varowe. Once the war ended the Ludaan Elves moved in and picked up the settlement for themselves, inviting several other allied countries to send people to populate the area. The plan is to extend Wilsdeep and set up several other colonies in The Wilds, much to the distress of the local Gnomes and Halflings.


The original castle was stone. Most of the buildings are hastily erected wooden structures though the elves are attempting to create sturdier architecture with the aid of magic.


The terrain surrounding the city is a plain and has access to a river that flows in from the ocean to the north.

Natural Resources

Wood from the forest to the west, grain from the fields surrounding it, animals in the forest and those raised by the gnomes and halflings, metal from nearby mines.


  • Wilsdeep/Chahe hold
Location under

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