Marn Flu Condition in Marnel | World Anvil
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Marn Flu

The Third Era

The Illness

It massacred millions.
  The most dangerous disease ever faced on Marn as so little was known about it. Anyone researching it found themselves diagnosed and their work was never published. Most believed that we just grew a natural immunity and it passed us by. I wouldn't be so quick to judge.
  The undoing of the Polnian Empire as the disease killed its leader Polnia and took an era for the world to recover.

Transmission & Vectors

The main reason why it was so effective was that transmissions of diseases were unknown and those affected saw little of the outside world due to being bedridden.


The first sign is usually coughing blood or an extreme headache. Many begin to hallucinate and disconnect with reality. Often patients are fatigued and restricted to their chambers for the remainder of their life with little to no understanding of what is happening to them. Subjects vomited on numerous occasions and their bodies began to fail themselves. In less than a week of suffering, they die.
Affected Species

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Cover image: by Vertixico


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