Jya Character in Marnel | World Anvil
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Jya (a.k.a. Chaos)

The Formless one named Jya is the being of Chaos itself.  
The true wrath of Chaos.
  Associated with chaos and destruction, Jya is a Deity to be feared. Those who worship her are often seen as the workers of evil. Only once did she show herself through an avatar that almost conquered the world.   Once Akta created the species known as the Sentinels, Jya grew envious of his creation and mirrored them with the Celestials. There are even theories that they are trying to break into our universe and avenge those lost during The Expansion.
  Her first child was Jya'ne who grew up into the monster that started the Eternal Crisis.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils


Jya symbol


Divine Classification
Original Deity
Presumed Female

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Cover image: by Vertixico


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