Terrell Temptus, The Storm King Character in Mardov | World Anvil
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Terrell Temptus, The Storm King

Air genasi king and father of Kelik "Waystar" Temptus, a friend of the party from their days aboard the Thornberry Wilde.  
  Terrell is a veteran of the last of the Elemental Wars, during which split his people's allegiance with the Autumnborn and sided with the Fire Genasi after learning of the recent submergence of the Citadel of the Sun into the new ocean which was created at the end of the Reign of Fire. Him and his people managed to capture the Water Genasi Princess, Lapis Poseidon along with her peoples Elemental Seal. After the war, the Air Genasi kept their prisoner of war due to the Water Genasi refusing to give up the now drowned Sunless Citadel. To punish the Drowned Throne, Lapis and her amulet were to be held by the Air Genasi Kingdom as reassurance that they never move to attack them.   Was betrayed by his political Wife and Queen, Thestra, the Storm Giant. Her overwhelming power granted to her in exchange for a newfound partnership with her long lost Fire Giant kin. The last of the Temptus line after the demise of his son at the hands of the Abomination that used to be his Leader, Reynardine of the Autumn Equinox.   For winning the the last Elemental War, Temptus won his Fey Lord the Autumn Equinox, and his Fire Genasi Allies won the Spring Equinox for The Queen of Thorns. Their lords used their newfound titles to claim their respective courts. However Juliannia the night of her sister's coronation and Reynardine the night of his own stole off in the night, after Summer's Last Light, Only the newly formed Reynaldine returned...   Temptus was never granted the respect and recognition he saught from his new master and allowed the Aarkocra refugee Euclid sanctuary, in exchange for Reynaldine of the Autumn Court to be banned from his kingdom. Among Cloud City, Leonidas, Now Leonidas of Summer's Last Light of the newly formed WindHaven would join Euclid of Alexandria and Temptus with the forbiddence. The Harvest Festival of Windhaven is in celebration of this event. It occurs on the Fall Equinox in one final jab at their so-called new boss by stealing a portion of the significance of his title.

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