Gabriel the Kind Character in Mardov | World Anvil
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Gabriel the Kind

The patron of Xyn Khamestria. One of the Triumvirate of Archangels and the more often than not, the tiebreaker between the others. His Divine Seal was left with Euclid whom he had gifted the responsibility and dominion over in an effort to spend more time with a young Fey Prince, Reynardine of the Autumn Court.    His essence is currently split between three places as opposed to the other two Archangels who only exist in a duality. The majority of the entity that makes up Gabriel has been lost within the Abomination that is Reynaldine of the Autumn Court which was created when the Demon Prince Grazz't tricked the starcrossed Juliannia of the Summer Court into falling in love with him and stealing the Divine Seal from Euclid, which is still one of the 13 Seals of Asmodeus The Bringer of Oblivion. Grazz't had previously made a deal with Tiamat in exchange for power which ultimately lead to the creation of the Divine Seals and the Celestial Realm and used Juliannia's broken heart as a way to manipulate the poor girl. Her betrothed Reynardine, was in love with another, Gabriel, which made the process so much easier for the fiend. Reunited with the lost Seal, Grazz't power stood unrivaled among his kind, and so he claimed dominion over the 9 Hells, the battle ground on which the Blood War is fought. Juliannia was betrayed, and in her grief, Grazz't imprisoned her within his own Demonic Seal in order to steal her dominion over the Fey Wilde as well as the 9 Hells, confident in his ability to crush his rivals. However this act was discovered by Gabriel and Reynardine and both entities believed they were at fault. Their bond had all but given poor Juliannia over to temptation and before Reynardine could think to act, Gabriel sacrificed himself. Grazz't, as a selfish fiend, was unable to fathom the level of self sacrifice that the Archangel was capable of and the Divine Seal was destroyed, along with it the enchantment that originally created the Celestial Realm AND the 9 Hells. Both Grazz't and Gabriel were imprisoned within the broken seal, the price of their meddling with forces beyond their means. However watching this whole exchange was the now completely distraught Reynardine, who now holding the shattered Divine Seal and the Demonic Amulet that was Juliannia, vowed to fix everything. Reynaldine of the Autumn Court was created out of that vow, all four entities now wrapped up into one.   The second location of Gabriel's Power is within the Harvest's Zenith. A cruel twist of irony, this Zenith is locked behind a door that requires the four seals of the Elemental Evil's to be combined to open the door. It is the charge of all three archangels along with the Raven Queen to lend their power to the shield that prevents any other extra-petal beings from entering Mardov.    The third location of Gabriel is inside a small stuffed bear which is carried by Xyn whom she has so affectionately named Mr. Happy after the way that people light up upon touching the bear. This is the weakest connection that Gabriel has, however it is currently the most active. Only through the pact made with Xyn is this possible. Gabriel was the first to bind himself to a mortal, however the other two Archangels have learned this trick as well. Only through this small crack in Gabriel's prison may he influence the world and prevent Guard' Daemon.
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