Aaura the Bard Character in Mardov | World Anvil
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Aaura the Bard

After her hometown fell from the sky, this air genasi of the blue-grey Western Air Genasi set out the see the world she had never experienced. She will seek out a mentor who will quick discover her talent. Her default song is a meloncholy bagpipes and harrowing voice   She befriended a local lamb which she has nicknamed Gretta. The two of them travel the countryside of Dawnpass searching for the Bard who she heard play a countercharm during the sacking of the Storm Peaks. Torn from her small instrument shop she snapped out of the binding the Orcish Shamans bearing the Red Handed Banner. Had she reacted a moment slower, her freedom would be lost. Her husband dead and gone. Aarua the Westwind chose to wield his sword, that even in death he would protect her.   Her wish is to find the Pegasus Bard and hear his tale, so that she may spread the story of her people and know the purpose behind the sorrow in her life.
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