Nadar Organization in Marcridan | World Anvil
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Nadar is a country home to a vast mountain range that cuts across the continent. In the last centuries of the dragon & giant wars the Dalani grey elves began to surface amongst the mountain tops. Their people established a series of towers around the mountain range to defend their lands and in time came to be allied to the dragon elders who are said to have brought an end to the war. Since that time most of the towers have been abandoned as Dalani people migrated back to their home city of Tel-Nasura. In the last decade portals to far reaching parts of the continent have been established by a mysterious benefactor of the city. These portals have helped the city rapidly grow into a metropolis through trade and magical wonders.

The Elder Dragons' Influence:

The elder dragons each hold influence on one of the major kingdoms of the region establishing powerful guilds and keeps across their nations. The one region left untouched by their expanse was the country of Nadar. Since the founding of the Elder Dragon Council, the capitol of Nadar The Elder Dragons' Influence: The elder dragons each hold influence on one of the major kingdoms of the region establishing powerful guilds and keeps across their nations. The one region left untouched by their expanse was the country of Nadar. Since the founding of the Elder Dragon Council Tel-Nasura, the capitol Tel-Nasura has acted as the neutral grounds for meetings amongst the elder dragons. The Dalani grey elves have hosted a meeting of the elders every 10 years since the alliance was formed.
Geopolitical, Country

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