Canteen Turtles Species in Manavata | World Anvil
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Canteen Turtles

The canteen turtle is a small, slow-moving, marine turtle with a hard leathery shell. Canteen turtles are so named because it is possible to clean out the shell of a freshly killed turtle, carefully close the shell back up, and produce a liquid-proof container. They have plated flippers which can be folded against the shell, leaving only the head and neck exposed. The head can then be pulled back under the "awning" of the upper shell, making them effectively immune to attack.


The shells of canteen turtles have more in common with land-based turtles and tortrices than other marive turtles. The carapace is much stiffer than other turtles (closer to flexible horn), with the awning above the head being nearly as hard as bone. When the canteen dies, the shell ossifies, eventually becoming hard as iron. The scutes of females are typically shades of black, brown, and green; with males having yellow, orange, and even red.


Canteen turtles are immune to virtually all forms of poison, and the shells and scaled skin are proof against acid, even black dragon acid. When attacked, they will fold their flippers in and retract their heads. Once thus protected, they will wait out their attacker. If they are swallowed whole, they will attempt to chew themselves out, using the claws at the end of their flippers to enlarge whatever hole they may make. Stories of canteen turtles escaping from the bellies of sharks, alligators, crocodiles, and even black dragons exist, but are considered fictitious (at least in the case of black dragons). While some creatures have been known to swallow them whole, most will use their powerful jaws to crush (or at least crack) the shells enough to kill the turtle. Black dragons are known to deliberately stomp on canteen turtles when found on land.


The process of making a canteen turtle canteen is known to almost every boy living in regions where they will come ashore to breed or to lay their eggs. The process takes several hours, and must be completed within eight hours of the turtle being killed. Once made, the canteen must be hung in a warm, dark area for at least a week to allow the shell and seams to dry and harden. If not allowed to dry properly, the seams will be prone to develop leaks.

Once completely dry, the shells may be polished and waxed. Waxing does not affect the waterproofness, but does bring out the colors and shine of the shell.


The meat of canteen turtles is delicate and sweet, and often served with melted and clarified butter. Those who eat a meal of this turtle meat must succeed on a DC 7 Constitution check or be poisoned for 1d3 hours. Those who eat such a meal have resistance to all other forms of poison for the next eight hours (whether or not they succeed on the check for ingesting canteen meat). Those who regularly eat such meals eventually develop immunity to canteen meat, and gain advantage against ingested poisons.


Canteen Artisans


While many children who have grown up around canteen turtles (and can thus fashion a canteen), a few go further, and become true artisans. These craftspeople can fashion not only canteens, but other items as well. Canteen bucklers can be made, as well as larger shields and even armor. Breastplates made from canteen turtle shell are possible, as are bracers, greaves, and a form of scale armor.

Many artisans can dye the shell itself. This is done by adding the color to the shell while the turtle is alive, and taking special care during the drying process. Some particularly expert artisans have even learned the process of giving the shell a true metallic lustur. Legends speak of an ancient artisan so expert that he produced a mirror from a large shell. Many consider the tale outlandish, as no evidence of such a mirror has ever been found, but that does not prevent these artisans from attempting to discover such a process.

Some canteen craftsmen will remove the outer scale of the dorsal scutes from a freshly killed turtle, revealing a mother-of-pearl surface. This surface requires much time and effort in polishing, protecting, and treating it, in order to bring out the eventual look and luster.

Canteen Turtle

Small beast, unaligned
Armor Class:
15 (natural armor)
Hit Points:
11 (2d6 + 4)
Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. in water), swim 30 ft.

Damage Immunities acid, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages --
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Amphibious. The canteen turtle can breathe air and water.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d3) bludgeoning damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 slashing damage.

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