Candlehar Settlement in Manavata | World Anvil
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Candlehar is the acknowledged repository of knowledge of all of Manavata. It is impossible to separate the City of Candlehar from it's Library, which consists of dozens of individual libraries, museums, and training centers (organized and otherwise), and loosely controlled by the Council of Jesuits.


General Appearance

Candlehar sits on an island on Harvan Lake. Much of the islands edge rises as much as 60 feet above the lake, with only a portion of the eastern shore being suitable for handling ship traffic. Much of the city outside the harbor is circled by a well-maintained stone wall. Most of the wall is 20 - 30 feet tall (in relation to the interior elevation) with round turrets every 200 feet. The wall has a walkway near its top edge. The exception is on the south of the island, which has a wall of only 3 feet in height. This low wall exists only around the edge of the Aborita. Thirty foot tall round turrets still exist every 200 feet.

The city of Carvadin is located at the southeast corner of the lake, and resides at the crossroads of the Rose and Striped Roads. Most mundane trade to Candlehar flows through Caradin's harbor.


City Sections

The Divine

The northeastern section of the city is called The Divine, which contains many religious structures: libraries, temples, and the largest House of the Avereen in the city.


The Arcane

This section of the city houses much of the magical and mystic institutions.


The Eldritch

This small district contains several libraries and museums pertaining to those strange arts that can only be referred to as eldritch. The Museum of Armaments is located here, which is supported by the Peoples of the Open Hand.



This is a large, cultivated garden library, maintained by the druids, and composes the southern quarter of the city. A significant portion of the city's food is produced here. The Aborita is directed by the Archdruid, who is an ad hoc speaker for the Old Religion.

The Yeusom Henge is located in the eastern portion of the district, which is 195 feet in diameter, has an outer ring of standing stones, an inner circled stone ring, and a chantryplate in the center. The largest elmler tree on the island is 200 feet to the north of the grand entry (which is also the closest tree to the henge).


Governing District

The central portion of the city contains the Count's estate (The Torchère), guard barracks, as well as the Council of Jesuits' Meetinghouse, the Guild Arcanum's Office of the Consulate, and embassies for elves, dwarves, and several other races.


The Harbor

The harbor of Candlehar is much like the harbors of other large cities, complete with warehouses and merchant shops.



Dating from the earliest days of the Third Era, Candlehar has been a home to wizards and other practioners of the arcane. Its first resident was a wizard called Hallowmon the Quick. It is said Hallowman discovered the island following a misdirected teleport. Finding a refuge that provided him with everything he couldn't easily conjure or create himself, he established a keep, invited several of his friends to establish homes, and erected defenses as seemed prudent. He then went to the Capitol, and demanded a Charter of Livery in perpetuity for the island.

Accounts differ as to exactly what transpired, but the charter was signed for the Free City of Candlehar. Three years later, a Royal Charter for the establishment of the Kingdom Library was signed; and a generation later, a Royal Charter for the Library of Candlehar was signed by Hallowson the Level and King Baul Arddin.

It is unknown when the Yeusom Henge was first constructed, but accounts exist of it's use by early members of the Mages of Power. Legend says they used the henge to journey to other planes of existence, and to bring back the inner circle of stones that stand to this day. Whether the legend is indeed true is unknown, but it is known that those stones do radiate strong magical energy.

The beginning of the Crazy Years plunged the city into chaos, and records of the polycivil war attest to this. Many believe the only reason the entire city was not completely destroyed was that where were too many individual factions vying for control, and no single group could establish a sufficient power lead over the others. Others say that the Grand Council (while comparatively weak at that time) was largely independent of the Mages of Power, and somehow less affected by mental fracture. Also, the Grand Council had no interest in ruling the island itself, and only wished to restore balance and stability to the area. Eventually, the Grand Council was compelled to appoint a "Protector of the Peace", who managed to quell or put down the three or four most significant factions.

The Protector of the Peace attempted to step down, but the Grand Council, and much of the common populace, pressured him (or her, no records of who the First Protector was) to accept the Barony. The First Protector finally accepted, and appointed a replacement several years later (in 416 3E). Yorrick Marrson (a powerful Swords-bard and shrewd administrator) accepted the title of Count, and served until the King of Ardrigh appointed a successor that both the Grand Council and Organization of Guilds would accept.*


Status of the Free City

Candlehar was originally established and chartered as a Free City of Manavata. As such, the city is free and independent of the Crown and King. While the King is allowed to appoint the ruling noble, that noble must first gain the approval from the Council of Jesuits, the Guild Arcanum, the Merchants Council, the Archdruid, and the Foundation of Freemen. In some instances throughout the city's history, this group has nominated a candidate for the King of Ardrigh to approve.


General Attitudes

Candlehar has the smallest percentage of serfs (at approximately 12%) of any province or settlement in the realm. The distinction between serfs and freemen is mostly non-existent, and only arises in certain situations, such as legal matters and payment of taxes.



Much of Candlehar's income comes from the creation of books (largely mundane texts) as well as the education and training of the practioners of magic. Service work makes up a considerable portion of the island's internal economic engine.



As magic, along with its associated education, training, and research, is the primary occupation of a significant portion of the population, magic is considered a normalish part of everyday life. While not every home or business has access to magic in one form or another, it is at least common enough that virtually any resident can count at least one neighbor, acquaintance, or contact that is more than just a casual user of magic.



Candlehar is currently ruled by Count Joseph Hernandiz (father of Simon Hernandiz, Bench of Law in the Council of Jesuits). As a free city, The Count has all the rights and authority as a King, But is referred to as a Count due to the complex relationship and history between Candlehar and Ardrigh. The Count is exceptional in that he is the only known ruling noble that is capable of casting magic (The Count is an accomplished Eldritch Knight). As ruler of Candlehar, the Count is advised by members of the Grand Council, the Archdruid, and members his the Royal Court.


Candlehar & The Crown

The city of Candlehar is a completely independent entity, and is not subject to the laws of the King of Ardrigh or the Guild Arcanum. However, as it is also a city wholely within the borders of that nation, the city does make certain concessions to the King & Crown.

First, even though the city is an independant nation, the ruling council does allow the King to appoint the Count (although nothing within their charter or Constitution specifically requires them to do so) when the current Count dies or steps down. The Count must meet the approval of the ruling council before being coronated, and in practice the council generally informs the King privately who to appoint. This process has generally worked well, there being only three instances in Candlehar's history where the King has attempted (unsuccessfully) to appoint a noble without the council's support and blessing.

Second, while the laws of the Guild Arcanum generally apply everywhere in Manavata, they are largely superceeded by those of the Jesuits, at least in Candlehar. Beyond the borders of the city, most Jesuits are bound by the laws of both groups.



As Candlehar sits entirely upon an island, the city does not have the support of hamlets as such. The Jesuits do maintain specialized instructional academies away from the island, but many of these academies are of a temporary nature, and often have only one (or at most two) instructors. These academies generally do not make payments to the Jesuits, the Library, or the city, so in virtually all cases, they are considered as independent entities.

*Quiet History

The King of Ardrigh was of course furious at having his appointee flatly and summarily denied entrance into the city of Candlehar, however the King had reasonably little recourse in the matter. In the early days of the Reformation, the Crown had relatively little direct control of powerful magics, and could not move a significant number of troops loyal to the Crown onto the island. Candlehar has powerful permanent barriers that prevent magical portation over virtually the entire island. While the King could probably commandeer enough ships to transport twenty to twenty-five vintain, that would mean attacking at the only usable harbor, and it would likely be costly in men and materials. Finally, Candalhar was originally chartered (and still is) a Free City, and, as such, is independent of Ardrigh and the Crown.

Count Yorrick Marrson took a small group to secretly travel to the Capitol, and was able to convince the King that neither Candlehar nor the Crown could well afford any sort of engagement that would end with the Crown taking the city by force. Count Marrson and the King agreed to these points:

  • The Count would step down to a noble appointed by the King, provided that said noble would not attempt to "unduly disrupt" the function of the Jesuits, nor any other organizations of a magical nature.
  • The Count would place himself at the disposal of the new Lord (as the Court Wizard or other official) in order to insure a smooth and peaceful transition of power in Candlehar; and would also advise the King upon the best options of transition in other cities and settlements.
  • The King could extablish whatever public history he desired (so long as it chould be believed), although a Private History would be kept for the use of the Count and other leaders going forward.
  • Free City of Candlehar

    Population: 24,200
    Major Races: Human (50%), Elvish (elves & half-elves)(15%), Gnome (12%), Tiefling (7%), Halfling (6%), Dwarf (4%), Orcish (mostly half-orc)(3%), Other (3%)
    Major Exports: Training & Education, Literature, Magic Items
    Teleportation Circle: 3 major circles (northwest (Divine), northeast (Arcane), and southeast (South Harbor)), other private circles exist
      Ruler: Count Joseph Hernandiz

    Charter for the Free City of Candlehar

    signed by Hallowmon the Quick
    King Bruce Arddin
    on the 18th of Ceither, 47 3E

    Royal Charter of the Kingdom Library

    signed by Hallowmon the Quick
    King Bruce Arddin on the 10th of Oched, 50 3E

    Royal Charter for the Library of Candlehar

    signed by Hallowson the Level
    King Baul Arddin on the 18th of Ceither, 62 3E

    Charter to the Council of Jesuits

    signed by Viscount Benito Hernandiz
    Christos Jesu, Gallen Rhose, & Adran Xiloscient
    King Condon Brutus on the 2nd of Dra, 332 3E

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