Briar Thornberry Character in Mallach | World Anvil
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Briar Thornberry

Briar Thornberry (a.k.a. Little Rose)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born on the 57th of Miliana in 1694, Briar Thornberry has lived in a world of tragedy since before she was even born. Her birth was the circumstance of a forbidden love between two warring elven kingdoms within the region now known as Campagne, the Barracans and the Blancans. Her father, Prince Florence Thornberry of the Barracans, first met her mother, Princess Acacia of the Blancans, after he had gone to attack her in the form of a hawk and a dove respectively, accidentally bumping into her and causing both of them to change forms. From that point, they slowly fell for each other as they continued their friendship in secret. A love between the Barracans and the Blancans was absolutely forbidden by both kingdoms, determined to persevere and dominate over the other. Soon, the two grew to love each other so much that they bore a child: Briar. Together they lived in happiness for 50 years. However, once the Barracan Queen Melantha had learned of the survival of Florence - who had faked his own death to escape with Acacia - and of the existence of a Blancan-Barracan child through a betrayal by one of their close friends, she immediately dropped all her defenses in favor of scaling an all-out attack on the Blancans, wiping out the latter kingdom for good. She then ordered the execution of the family, managing to capture Florence and execution but losing Acacia and Briar into the woods. Acacia, knowing her daughter to never be safe under he care, sent her

Pretty young lady, independent, and lives in the forest with her fellow animals

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Date of Birth
57th of Miliana
Circumstances of Birth
Born Out Of Forbidden Love
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs.

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