Mal'Gama Homepage | World Anvil
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Mal'Gama is a world of variety. Drawing inspiration from well known worlds, my focus is to make Mal'Gama an amalgamation of all my favorite worlds. This world will hold many different styles of life depending on where you are on the map and, by creating gruesome, terrible, beautiful, serene locations, my aim is to make this world facilitate extreme emotional responses from horror to bliss.   If I succeed, this world will be the perfect backdrop to create stories and make dungeon mastering easy. The world will be full of conflict such as underground hordes of monsters invading the surface, hobgoblin armies conquering kingdoms, monstrous sentient beasts absorbing essence of other creatures turning into the most effective creature, demons and devils possessing/corrupting whole cities, etc.   I want to make exploring not only accessible but exciting. Secret ruins of long since past religions/societies can be found with who knows (We do) what hidden treasure to be looted. Unique items, only one of its kind, sprinkled throughout the world. Hidden hermits, secret orders, master wizards, and prestigious colleges are just some ways the players can find new and exciting feats to unlock as they explore the world.

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