King's Dice Tradition / Ritual in Mal'Gama | World Anvil
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King's Dice

King's Dice is a dice game created by Lords to simulate imperial conquest. The goal of this game is to be the only player with dice left. In a game, players will play rounds consisting of one roll of the dice to determine outcome. The players start with 5d6, each round they roll the dice and keep the numbers rolled. The players would order the dice into 5 "positions" (e.g., player 1 rolls a 5,2,6,3,5. He then orders the dice rolled into 5 "positions" making position 1 = 6, position 2 = 2, position 3 = 5, position 4 = 5, and position 5 = 3). Compare each player's die position number and the higher number takes the lower dice (e.g., player 1 rolled a 6 for his position 1, player 2 rolled a 5, and player 3 rolled a 5. This means player 1 would take player 2 and 3's dice in position 1). This means player 1 would take player 2 and 3's dice this position and place them to the side for use in the next round). In the event of a tie (no winner), all players would discard their dice and are no longer usable in the game. If in the consequent rounds, a player has more than 5 dice. The player would roll all of their dice and pick the 5 positions from the lot. If the player has less than 5, the player would roll the rest of their dice and pick positions using the remainder. If a player has no more dice, they are out of the game. The game continues until one player is the last one with dice left.   As the game was passed to different parts of the continent and played, the directions slightly simplified as it was played among the lower classes.   Instead of positions, the game would be played in 5 turns in a round. After rolling the dice at the beginning of the round, the players take a turn and pick a die, revealing it only when all the players have picked a die. Compare each player's chosen die number and the higher number takes the lower dice as usual. Other than the removal of positions, the game is played as normal.


This game was made by Lords of Jaderun before the foundation of the empire, when there were still warring kingdoms fighting over land and resources. Since the creation in Jaderun, King's Dice has spread to many far reaching regions and is played by many different people throughout Elderon. Possibly even spreading into other continents.

Components and tools

Five dice with six sides per player is all that is needed to play this game. Usually a cup is used to roll and hide the dice before the reveal.


Previously this was strictly a royalty game, played by lords and the like. However, the lower classes eventually started playing the game, pretending to be famous conquerors.


This game can be played during any occasion, mostly played during long peace as an outlet and a way to romanticize wars and combat. Mostly see this game being played during festivals/holidays regarding the celebration of a warrior or some figure having to do with conquest.
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