Danver State Hospital Building / Landmark in Mage | World Anvil
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Danver State Hospital

The Danvers State Hospital was a psychiatric hospital located in Danvers, Massachusetts. It was built in 1874, and opened in 1878, under the supervision of prominent Boston architect Nathaniel Jeremiah Bradlee, on an isolated site in rural Massachusetts. It was a multi-acre, self-contained psychiatric hospital designed and built according to the Kirkbride Plan.
The original plan was designed to house 500 patients, with attic space potentially housing 100 more. By the late 1930s and 1940s, over 2,000 patients were being housed, and overcrowding was severe. People were even held in the basements of the Kirkbride.
  While the asylum was established to provide residential treatment and care to the mentally ill, its functions expanded to include a training program for nurses in 1889 and a pathological research laboratory in 1895. In the 1890s, Dr. Charles Page, the superintendent, declared mechanical restraint unnecessary and harmful in cases of mental illness. By the 1920s the hospital was operating school clinics to help determine mental deficiency in children. Reports were made[who?] that various inhumane shock therapies, lobotomies, drugs, and straitjackets were being used to keep the crowded hospital under control. This sparked controversy. During the 1960s as a result of increased emphasis on alternative methods of treatment, deinstitutionalization, and community-based mental health care, the inpatient population started to decrease.

Massive budget cuts in the 1960s played a major role in the progressive closing of Danvers State Hospital. The hospital began closing wards and facilities as early as 1969. By 1985, the majority of the original hospital wards were closed or abandoned. The Administration Block, in the original Kirkbride, building closed in 1989. Patients were moved to the Bonner Medical Building across the campus.
  The entire campus was closed on June 24, 1992, and all patients were either transferred to the community or to other facilities.



Rows of bunker beds, torn linen, broken frames and lamps, debris on the floor  


Stains, torn or broken artwork, turned over trolleys, graffiti, broken windows  

Lavatories/bath rooms

Dark, no water, broken mirrors, graffiti.  

Attendants rooms

Tables and chairs, closets and cabinets.  


Desks, cabinets, torn papers, patient journals.  

Other rooms

Kitchen, sitting rooms,


  • DSH floorplan
Alternative Names
Danver State Asylum
Characters in Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Story hooks
Sanctum securing

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