King Killi Yoren Character in Magavir | World Anvil
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King Killi Yoren

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Killi was born in 38 BSW on Denvar, into the royal family. He became king of Denvar in 16 BSW, ruling over his lands rather benevolently. However, in 1 BSW the Second War started. To aid Eacil in its time of greatest need, King Killi sailed across the sea with his army and landed in Enivor, swiftly marching north to defend Tanivon. However, when Killi reached Tanivon, he learned of the Breaker's invasion of Denvar, and the slaughtering of evry man, woman, and child on the island. It is said that during the Battle of Tanivon, no soldiers fought with more vigor than those of Denvar, who had lost everything in the fight against the Breaker. After the Second War, King Killi was left without a land. Kal Rothec, who had become king of Eacil after Halir Swordshatter's death, gave him the depopulated lands of the north, which Killi named Arun, the Promised Land. He spent the rest of his life trying to get more people to come into Arun
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