The Cradle of Life Geographic Location in Lyx | World Anvil
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The Cradle of Life

A venerable natural fortress the Cradle Of Life is flanked by natural mountains. The enteral storms that can be seen above the mountains are believed to be divine protection, however, some believe the reason why the basin acts as a desert is due to these storms taking away what would otherwise be natural rainfall. Sacred to the Motuwai the oasis in the centre of this massive desert acts as their capital. Caravans can be seen entering


Mountains flank the sides causing updrafts and restricting the flow of clouds further inwards contributing towards the desertification of the plains below them. Frequent storms can be seen above the mountains as a result of the pressure differences that they cause.

Fauna & Flora

Barren, small tufts of hardy grasses and birds of prey which roost in the nearby mountains are the only signs of life to be found.

Natural Resources

Underground rivers carry water from the north and west through the center towards the oasis and to the south where they converge into a river that flows towards the western sea.
Owning Organization

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