Furyax Species in Lyx | World Anvil
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Broderick’s Compendium: Plants and Fungi Across the Realm
Furyax is a large, purple flower that grows from a round-fronded leafy plant in the middle of Jungles that used to house now-dead civilizations, possibly originating from sacrificial uses of this plant within those civilizations. The flowers can be dried and turned into powder which is then mixed with a strong alcohol made only from oranges. Drinking this potion causes massive hallucinations based on the character’s conscience. Good-aligned characters will see beautiful and wondrous things, while evil characters see the most foul and dark abominations. The hallucinations last 2d4 days. Good-aligned characters must make a DC 16 Wisdom save or become addicted after their first consumption while evil-aligned characters must make a DC 18 Wisdom save vs. fear or become slightly insane from these horrific visions (Long-Term Madness Table DMG pg.260).

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