Blasting Powder Technology / Science in Lyx | World Anvil
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Blasting Powder

When confined to a small space and ignited, this foul smelling grey powder rapidly combusts into a cloud of smoke and enough force to dislodge large chunks of rock. Known as Blasting Powder this substance whilst expensive is quite popular for mining minerals that are otherwise hard to access due to the hardness of the rocker surrounding them combined with their inhospitable locations.
Access & Availability
Variably accessible, knock-offs and derivatives have become somewhat popular due to the difficulty in acquiring the most important ingredient: [REDACTED]
Created by accident when a gnome alchemist was researching a way to increase the vitality of others by mixing crystals from a "mythical" creature, fools gold and charcoal together. The resulting powder had enough force to destroy half of their home. What they had just discovered was later known as Blasting Powder and became a popular tool for miners to clear out large rocks.

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