Chapter 3.0 Fey, What actually Happened Report in Lyna | World Anvil
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Chapter 3.0 Fey, What actually Happened

General Summary

The party, after some discussion about cuddling, was met by Sergeant Lyth Hoster. She told the players about their next assignment, which was to go to a place called Minerest for a job by Nersh Ceardach. They were to get the details from him when they get there. After Lyth left, they realized they didn't know exactly where the village was. So, looking at maps, they soon found they couldn't find it on any map. The party split to go look for the location. Del and Fulcrum went to the library where they got a bit of info on the local creatures in the area, as well as the location of the village on an outdated map. Branwen and Fulcrum went to see Farja at her church. She also told them about the creatures and location of it. They reconvened, Del summoned a large Cinnamon Bun and they went off towards the village.   They made it there quicker than expected because of Cinnamon Bun. They encountered a large man that was being attacked by Low Spirits, a Bank Feeder, and a High Spirit. They dealt with all of them fairly well and made proper introductions. The man was Nersh, and he brought them over to the village about 15 minutes away. They met Fey, whom they assumed to be a Sent at first. Nersh said he needed to shut down his forge so he went there first. Fey brought them over to Nersh's house and gave them some tea. They asked how long she'd been with Nersh and how she's being treated. She said about a year, and she's fine. Nersh came back into the house and asked them what they thought of Fey. Del said he thought she was a Sent. After the rest of their inputs, he corrected Del by saying she was in fact a Demisent, and that was precisely why he asked for help. He wasn't sure why, but Fey had been starting to act weird all of a sudden. They asked about her Saux Stone and Nersh told them half truths. They pressed him a bit more and he got defensive and a bit angry. He told them to get out and that the contract was cancelled, which sent Fulcrum whooshing out of the house very quickly. after some confusion by everyone, the gang managed to calm Nersh down and Del convinced him to make them take a look at Fey's Saux Stone. They verified credentials, Fulcrum was invited back in, and Fey was asked to guard the front door. The rest of them went down into the basement where they saw a giant Saux Stone glowing in the corner of the room. He then told them about when he got Fey, how she was created, how he got her in the first place, and now what's been going on. Branwen suggested that maybe something has been drawing in the spirits to this place, like the giant Saux Stone. After that, Nersh wanted to go to sleep and pick this back up tomorrow. He also asked the party to join Fey in her patrol around the village parimeter at 7:00am.   They went back out the house, Fey escorted them to the shacks available in the village. They noticed that asking her somewhat difficult questions about what she thinks or feels about things gets a slow response as if she's "thinking" or trying to "process" the question. Eventually she left them alone and they all went into the same shack. Hugo claimed the shack his own and they started discussing what to do next. They decided that fey couldn't speak about some things because Nersh told her too. Also, that Hugo would try to get Nersh to tell him more about the situation since he isn't officially associated with the Silverleaf Army. The rest of the group would go with Fey.   The next morning came, Del went outside to go see what that high-pitched bang was when he opened the door. Hugo went to go pet Cinnamon Bun. Del found inside the watchtower, Fey with her rifle. He asked a little bit about it, and she told him what she could that she had it since she was created and that Nersh has tinkered with it to make it better. She said she would be ready soon, so Del went back down. The rest of the party (Branwen) woke up, and Fulcrum accidentally kicked in the bed inside the shack. Hugo decided to simply wait for Nersh to come out and wake up. The rest of the party went out for patrol after Fey came down and came to get them.   On their patrol, they saw two Bank Feeders near a big Bank Stone. Fey stopped the party and told them to stay low and be quiet. After that, she simply observed them for a while. Then a couple of High Spirits came close, and absolutely decimated the two Bank Feeders, seemingly feeding upon their corpses before they turned into dust. Still, Fey didn't ever say or do anything. About a minute passed before a Blue Magi showed up and came up to the High Spirits. It went to the Bank Stone and touched it for a few seconds, then looked in the general North-East Eastern direction. Finally it looked at the party, mainly Fey. It told the others to move in closer, then it moved in closer. Fey did or said nothing this entire time. After looking for a while, the Blue Magi seemed to tell the others to go away in the South-East, while the Blue Magi itself teleported. Fey, finally getting out of her funk, wanted to simply continue the patrol. Del asked a couple of questions about what had just happened. Fey said she had never seen the Blue Magi before. Fulcrum told the party what the Blue Magi actually was, and then everybody continued patrolling.   Hugo meanwhile, was talking to Nersh in his Smithy (after 2ish hours). He learned where Fey came from, who created her, why and how she came to Minerest, why Nersh was in charge of her (predecessor for Shana), and various other things. After that talk, everybody had come back. Fey had also killed and brought back a whole boar to eat for lunch. She was about to go into the house, when a delivery man (postman) came to the village to give a letter to Nersh. Fey walked up to him and asked to get the mail, but this time it had to be directly delivered to Nersh himself. She insisted, but the man refused again. She then said "ok then", and went to go cook lunch. After Nersh for the letter, he went to the rest of the party and told them to come eat lunch with him.   After going back inside the house, Del told him what had happened during the patrol. After eating, he said he needed to go to Sofmyre to get some supplies for the village. Once he left, the whole party got into a big discussion of what reproduction was, and other ties to that. Fey cleaned up and headed off to the forge to also clean up. Del followed her, but secretly. He got Cinnamon Bun to tell him what was happening with her while she was in the forge. Nothing much happened, but she did stop to play/pet the horse for a while. Meanwhile, the rest of the party decided to go down into the basement to do more searching, however before that, they decided to search Nersh's room. The only they found of note was a letter/report detailing the going's on of Fey a little, and some kind of notched arrows/bolts. The notch would make the arrow fly oddly, but it looked like it could fit something in it. Around this time, Del reunited with the party and everyone went down to the basement (some just jumping straight down). They examined the Saux Stone and determined that it was smooth and didn't have any scratches or grooves/chips in it, so Nersh likely hasn't been tampering with it. Del on the side found another letter that seemed more personal than the one upstairs. It also detailed some kind of weapon construction using Fey's magical bullets. Del then took a look at a small locker/chest on the ground next to the table with the paper on it, and got Branwen to try and unlock it. She did and inside they found two somewhat filled Saux Stones, and three crossbow bolts with the same notches, but the notches were filled with some kind of light blue magical energy. Branwen said that it was evocation magic and that it activated if you put some magic through the opposite end of the arrowhead. Del put back the bolt, and locked the chest again.   While discussing what to do with this information, Fey came down to the basement and asked what was going on and if she could help. Hugo told Fey they were examining her Saux Stone, and Fey after a bit of thinking, had her eye twitch a bit. She asked if that was really everything, which the party replied that yes it was. Del mentioned the letter on the table, and Fey said that Nersh was studying her bullets. after conjuring one, Hugo asked if he could keep that one, and she said sure. once things settled a bit, fey informed the others she was going on her patrol again. Everyone joined her and nothing much of note happened after that. Fey went about the rest of her day, having the party follow close behind. When the sun was about to set, Nersh came back with a supply wagon and everybody met Adidas, who is now assigned to the group to bolster their ranks. Everybody Helped unload and organize the supplies, and then it was nighttime. After securing accommodations again, everybody went to sleep.   After only about 2 hours of resting, the party were suddenly awoken by loud thuds on their doors. It was Fey saying that they were under attack. After Hugo opened the door, he saw that there were many Low Spirits, Bank Feeders, and High Spirits attacking the village. Nersh dealt with one of them in the distance, and some spirits could be seen going towards Nersh's house. After defeating the single spirit, Nersh also ran to his house. After an arduous battle, they all defeated the spirits and now they are making their way towards the house.   Going into the house, they found Nersh unconscious on the floor at the entrance. After healing him up a bit, they found out that the spirits were in the basement. Adidas and Hugo went ahead first to check it out, though they didn't know what was actually there. Meanwhile, Nersh wants to go, but Del stops him from doing so because he's quite hurt and tells him that they will handle the situation. Down in the basement, the duo try to be quiet, but Adidas slips and falls a bit. They find out that there are quite a few spirits down there and enter into a fight. While they are fighting, Fey starts to head towards the basement, but then stops in her tracks to look out the door to see something approaching. A Blue Magi shows up and starts walking towards the house. After being frozen for a bit, Nersh stands up and commands Fey to try and kill it. Her Saux Stone downstairs starts to glow brightly and a disk goes outwards and back inwards, finally fading the light that the stone was emitting, as well as stopping the little wisps of magical energy from flowing in anymore. At the same time, upstairs, Fey's face twitches and contorts into various emotions until it finally settles on one clear emotion; Anger, Defiance. She looks back to Nersh and yells back at him "No!", the little translucent white bubble that all Demisent have, disappears from Fey. She then tells the party to clear the way for it. They do so. Downstairs, all the spirits stop attacking, and go off to the side. Hugo and Adidas wait to see what happens. The Blue Magi goes down into the basement and everyone else follows. Fey is first. The Blue Magi goes and touches Fey's Saux Stone for a bit, then after a few seconds, seems to direct all the spirits away. All the spirits leave, and the party are left alone. They all go back upstairs and Fey explains a bit of what happened. The spirits were after the stone, but then the Blue Magi made the others back off since it realized it was Keeping Fey alive apparently. Fey seemingly turned into a Sent and was a lot more talkative and took initiative for things. Nersh said he was done with his job and needed to report back to Sofmyre about this, and that he wants to go back to Sofmyre in general. The others, after being worried about what might happen to Fey, suggest they should apply/petition for Fey to be kept by Nersh, just in Sofmyre. After that decision, everyone headed off back to bed.
Report Date
06 Jun 2022

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