Chapter 1.2 Hunter Becomes Hunted, What Really Happened Report in Lyna | World Anvil
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Chapter 1.2 Hunter Becomes Hunted, What Really Happened

General Summary

They went to general affairs office and got their mission from Lyth, who was tired, and then went to the Pale Druids guild to get more Capri-Blood Juices for Fulcrum. They saw their boss, Branwen forgot to do her paperwork, bought the pouches and left for Malum. The met Greevus and Travus Pater on their way there. Greevus was injured slightly and invited the party to come with them. They went along, went to his house and Del started treating the man. Travus went out for Sera. Greevus explained the situation somewhat then Travus came back to say she wasn't here right now. The players needed to wait for Sera to come back, but in the meantime try to get to know the villagers more. Travus mentioned skulls and get everyone's attention. He explained he wants to become a necromancer and Branwen got interested in that. Travus was excited to hear another necromancer was there and wanted her advice. They all went into this kids room like it was a fucking reunion get together at your poor uncle's place and Travus showed Branwen his collection of animal skulls. After asking a few questions he got a little depressed, but it didn't stop him much from continuing down this path. After the questions, he went off on his own to try and recover more bones. They went outside and started talking to the local carpenter, Walter Saidar. They asked him a few questions and he gave them about the same answers as Greevus did already. After that, he went back to his house/shack to work on some arrows.   They met Hans Mcluluk but were nice to him. They then went to see Annie the old lady of the town and quickly talked to her before going to talk to Lef and Millian. Millian was a little scared of Branwen, and was definitely scared of Fulcrum. She seemed ok with Del since he was similar to Lef. Branwen and Fulcrum went to take a walk around the perimeter while Del decided to talk to the other two. Del got a strange feeling from Lef and might pursue that later. They didn't get much more information otherwise. The rest of the party came back, and after hearing from Del that the others weren't bad people, Millian decided to try and give a flower to Fulcrum. He handled it well and now she doesn't seem like she'll cry around him anymore. He did get the nickname "Mr. Stretchy face" though. Sera finally came back and they introduced themselves to her. They went back to her house while she took care of her equipment. She gave more details about what's been going on here, explained that the Wulfs have been more aggressive and have seemingly random patterns of movement. She also told them that she can finally check out their den since she has help now and much less risk to herself getting hurt. After that, they didn't have a place to stay, so they decided to go stay in Lef's "house". After going to sleep for about 4-5 hours, they were suddenly woken up by Lef telling them that Wulfs have attacked the village and they need help right away.   They defeated the Wulfs after a decently difficult battle. No one in the village died, though Greevus and Joller did go unconscious for a round or two. After defeating them, the villagers dispersed a bit tending to their wounds and making sure other people were safe. Branwen dissected one of them to find more information after Del tried to confirm that this is a type of fungal disease. Fulcrum started gathering the bodies and burning them outside the village. Branwen found that the insides were mostly devoid of liquid and a lot of organs kind of shriveled up. There was also a hand-sized mushroom, which relatively speaking was small, growing inside of the Wulf connected to the stomach. After that they burned all the bodies and went to sleep again.   The next morning Lef came to get them. They went out and got ready with Sera to go to the Wulf's den. They arrived and proceeded cautiously to the cave entrance. Fulcrum went to check it out, and found no movement inside. Then Sera and Del went to get a closer look and found two smaller Wulf carcasses inside the cave with more mushrooms, as well as small fist sized craters on the carcasses. Del and Sera came back out and Del shouted to Fulcrum to start burning everything down. The other two met with the rest of the party at the entrance of the cave when some Mycoid Mins attacked them. They did manage to do some damage, but thanks to fire, managed to get rid of them fairly quickly. After defeating them, Branwen dissected another one, but they were only mushrooms. Then Fulcrum needed to be administered some blood so he got Branwen to go up into the cliff side and hide from Sera. After 10 minutes of that, they burned those bodies as well, and went back to Malum. Sera went off to make sure her husband was fine, and the party reported to Greevus, who thanked them and told them the reward was back in Sofmyre. They said their goodbyes, and went back to their city.
Report Date
26 Apr 2021

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