Virenta Organization in Lyanore | World Anvil
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Virenta, an ancient Empire-turned-Kingdom is still one of the strongest national powers in Lospiri. A land that prides itself on both its natural and architectural beauty, Virenta is home to the artful and skilled Elves who, though aeons have passed, generally still adore its banner and legacy.


The highest ranking individual is the King, or Queen if her husband is deceased, followed in power by the Royal Family. In times past, this was instead the Emperor and his family. The successor to a ruler is their son, or their eldest daughter if no son is born. The King can enact policies with the help of his elected Assembly of Nobles and has the right to declare war on any nation in retaliation to attack on or threat against Virentan soil or interest. The second highest ranking individual is the High Priest of Corellon Latherian and his Church Council, which collectively act as the ultimate authority of religious matters in the country. The third highest ranking class is that of the Noble Families, of which there are numerous. Some several thousand have been around at some time in Elvish history, but only a couple hundred have survived into the modern age. The nobles generally are elected as local governors or minor assembly members of their local precincts, but the most powerful of them have the ear of the King.

Public Agenda

Virenta currently has the goal of preserving its sovereignty as the sole Elvish nation and wishes to reclaim its long-abandoned colonies. This has brought it into quite the squabble with Bellesa, who sees itself as a melting pot of Elves and humans and harbours many of the ethnic groups once colonized by Virenta.


Virenta is one of the wealthiest and largest nations in the world, meaning it has access to virtually every substance on Lospiri and even many from interplanar connections.


Virenta is one of the first three nations to be founded on Lospiri, accompanied by Aasmaria and Eskjar. As such, it has a long, rich history. Of note, it destroyed Aasmaria as well as collapsed the nation of Turami in the far east and helped in the defense of Eskjar against the hordes of Gruumsh.

Demography and Population

Most of the inhabitants are Elvish, but there are noticeable minorities of Égi-Mennyei and Madárnépi humans.


Virenta's borders extend from Lynanan Island and the Vlinn Woodland in the West to the Aasmar Plains and Káprázatos Timberlands in the North and the Black Downs and Sladenthinn Expanse in the South. Its border with Eskjar is marked by the White River. Its border with Daladyark is marked by the Gloud Highlands, and its border with Angland is marked by the marsh directly south of the Anor River's delta.

Technological Level

Virenta has achieved a technological level similar to the early Renaissance in Earth's timeline. They have basic necessities taken care of by farmers with steel tools and magical assistance where necessary.

Foreign Relations

The general strategy taken by Virenta in diplomacy is to sweeten other deals with offers of extra trade or supply of some clerical or mercenary relief against an internal armed conflict. With Angland, Virenta has stable relations, trading with them along the western coast. With Badgofold, Virenta has almost no relations. The city-state of Komhold sees very little Elvish gold except for the rare sack of platinum for some technological wonder from a noble. With Bellesa, Virenta has almost openly hostile relations, banning most trade with them and most likely planting spies. With Daladyark, Virenta has stable relations, funneling most of their land trade through the country's few cities. With Draconia, Virenta has neutral relations, not dealing much with the Dragonborn in the past several millennia. With Eskjar, Virenta has friendly relations. Despite the numerous conflicts between Dwarves and Elves, the battle against Gruumsh and the Orcs deeply united the two. There is a profound respect, almost envy, for Dwarvish might in Virentan culture. With Leathtalam, Virenta has a friendly, though rival-esque relation. They trade across the sea often and purchase naval supplies from each other but rival over achieving the best balance of economy, artfulness, and military strength. With Orka, Virenta has a standoffish attitude. Though the Orcs of the city treat Virenta with nothing but respect, the Elves still take any diplomacy with them with a large grain of salt. With Salartana, Virenta has a disapproving attitude. They rarely deal with the distraught country, and many conspiracy theorists blame Virenta in part for secretly intervening to keep the wars going. With Zhongguo, Virenta has a standoffish but stable relationship. The two nations trade along the Southern Trade route, but the Virentan Kings have denounced the lack of personal freedoms held by the Shou citizenry of the region.

Sacred - Royal - Independent - Beautiful

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Grand Empire of Virenta, The Monarchy of Virenta, Virenta Home of the Elves
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Standard Gold Piece
Legislative Body
King with the accordance of the Assembly of Nobles
Judicial Body
Judges elected by local Minor Assemblies
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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