Sphere of Simulated Anti-Magic Spell in Lyanore | World Anvil
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Sphere of Simulated Anti-Magic

Edited by: Guy, Roy Incanzardii
Originating from one point you can see within range, a glowing emerald-green 10-foot radius sphere spawns. Within, the effects of anti-magic are simulated through magic. Any elementals or fey, beings affected by magical affects, and magic items cannot enter the sphere. You can choose for you and objects on your person to be unaffected by this spell.   If an elemental or fey starts its turn in the sphere, it must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it takes 4d6 force damage and is pushed to the nearest space outside the sphere. On a success, it takes half damage and is not pushed.   Any magical effects within the sphere are affected as if by dispel magic, when it is cast as a 3rd level spell.   If a being has magic items on their person that aren't carried, they must make a Strength save or have those uncarried items fly off their person to one square outside the sphere. If they succeed, they keep their items but cannot utilize or benefit from the magic within the items.


Creates a space in which magical creatures are injured and in which some magic cannot function.


A glowing, emerald-green sphere of energy.
Material Components
Any gemstone worth at least 50 gp, which the spell consumes
Gestures & Ritual
Related Discipline
Arachnomancer, Cleric, Warrenmeister, Wizard
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Concentration, Up to 1 Hour
Effect Casting Time
1 Action
30 feet

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