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While Lurrand is the name of the Overall world, this world's story revolves primarily around three countries: Maybud, Serpentine, and Surwyn.   Lurrand as a whole resembles earth for the most part; animals have the same taxonomy and are called the same things for the most part, with only some regional differences.   However, Lurrand does have magic, and more than one type of hominid. It has Humans, Elves, and half-elves. Sometimes the dead may also rise and gain intelligence as well. For the most part, World Technology resembles Europe around the 1500's.   Maybud as a country is a Theocracy, for the most part. It does have a ruling family like a monarchy, but nearly all laws are of religious origin rather than of mortal origin. Its land mass is very young, having only been a unique country for 700 years. Before then, it was connected to Surwyn. This is where the bulk of the story happens. It takes up half of the Isle of Maybud. The Theocracy is heavily magic-focused; priests are usually sorcerers (though by Holy law, the ruling monarch must not be a sorcerer). For the most part, Maybud is Grassy, Foresty, has a healthy agriculture, and has state-owned forests set aside for magical creatures in a very similar vein to a Wildlife reserve.   Serpentine shares the Isle of Maybud with Maybud, taking up the east half of the isle. The Isle is separated by the Fury mountain range, which acts as the border between Maybud and Serpentine.   Surwyn is North of Maybud, across the boiling channel.

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