Panïsya Language in Luc | World Anvil
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Panïsya (literally "First Language") is the main language spoken by the people of Panïka.

Geographical Distribution

Panïsya is distributed all over the Panïka empire, especially in Arodora.


The language has 16 consonants: B, D, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, NH, P, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z; and ten vowels: A, Ä, E, Ë, I, Ï, O, Ö, U, Ü.   Syllable structure is (C)(R)(S)V(N), with C standing for consonants (B, D, F, G, H, K, P, R, S, T, V, X, Z), L for liquids (R, L), S for semivowels (W, Y), V for vowels (A, Ä, E, Ë, I, Ï, O, Ö, U, Ü) and N for nasals (M, N, NH).   There are 22 different vowel diphthongs. Ten of them are simply long vowels, indicated by an accent (á) or a tilda (ã) depending on whether it had a diaeresis before it was lengthened. The other 12 are combinations of each vowel. No diphthongs start with I or U, because they become a Y or W respectively.



Verbs are only conjugated by tense. The tense is indicated by a positional syllable at the end of the word, joined to the verb stem by the appropriate nasal consonant. Pe, being the word for behind, indicates past tense (e.g. "to sing" becomes Lïmpe "sang"). Ku, being the word for at, indicates present tense (e.g. Lïnku "is singing"). The u at the end of a present tense conjugated verb is dropped in colloquial use (e.g. Lïnku becomes Lïnk). , being the word for before, indicates future tense (e.g. Lïmbë "will sing").


Nouns are declined by number and sometimes case. The numbers are singular and plural. Plural nouns are indicated by adding re "many" to the end of a noun (e.g. Ha "dog" becomes Hare "dogs"). The genitive case is indicated by the possessive noun being attached to the front and then being joined through the appropriate nasal consonant (e.g. Ro "man" joins with Ha "dog" to become Ronha "man's dog"). This can continue for a while (e.g. Ronha "man's dog" can join with glï "eye" to become Ronhanglï "man's dog's eye).


Sentence structure at its base is Subject-Object-Verb. Adjectives and adverbs are placed after the words they modify (e.g. "big" joins with Ha to become Ha bö "big dog"). Prepositions are treated like adjectives. The positional word is added as a suffix to the noun where the noun in question is located (e.g. Ku "inside" is joined with Mu "home" to become Munku "inside the home").


The vowels on their own (with no consonants accompanying) are the pronouns. A, E and O are the base person pronouns, I, you and he/she respectively (they have a gender-neutral third-person pronoun as the basic one, but you can add the male (ro) or female suffix (le) if you wish to gender it). The same vowels with diaeresis are made a plural. Ä becomes we, Ë becomes you (pl.) and Ö becomes them. I, Ï, U and Ü are strange cases. "I" refers to everybody (as in people), Ï refers to everything (people and objects, can be defined by parameters given by context), U refers to somebody and Ü refers to nobody.
Common Phrases
Ango ____ yonk
My name is ____
Ai pahenk
I greet you!

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