Emlyn Artorigios Character in Lorlithia | World Anvil
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Emlyn Artorigios

High King of Lore Emlyn Artorigios

Son of a Lycoran provincial governor who married into the leadership of the petty kingdom of Cordonia and, through a series of military campaigns and diplomatic overtures, expand his territory into a much larger kingdom which would eventually become the modern kingdom of Lore.   He founded a line of kings and queens that eventually branched off into the Druiryn dynasty, which in turn eventually branched off into the Cedewain dynasty.   Stories of his life and reign and his equally heroic companions continue to be told well into the modern day, and make up some of the most popular literature in Lore.

Physical Description

Body Features

Tall and well-built, with the silvery hair, golden skin, and purple eyes the Lycorans were known for. Clean-shaven, with uncommonly long hair for a warrior.

Facial Features

Said to be fair of face, with high cheekbones, well-shaped brows and nose and generous mouth.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Parnassus (formerly Parnassus Province) in roughly 475 AD, the only surviving son of the governor. Educated with an emphasis on the arts of war.   When his father was deposed and executed by a rival around 490 AD, Emlyn fled north with his father's guard captain and seven of his closest companions. (Captain Aric Illyrion, Lady Charissa Illyrion, Ser Cerwyn the Red, Ser Gwilym Strong, Ser Rogare Matissi, Ser Florian the Fair, Ser Severin Novaris)   Forged an alliance with Luddoc the Giant, King of Cordonia, by marrying his daughter Yvaine of the Golden Hair; he then became the next King of Cordonia and set about pacifying their neighbors and expanding his own holdings. He called his much-expanded kingdom "Lore", derived from the Talethar name for the land: Lorlithia.   He went on to father three children with Queen Yvaine and many more with various other lovers.


A matter for debate; he certainly had plenty of female lovers, but at least one of his knights is referred to in the oldest sources as "the king's cupbearer" and another was rumored to be lover to both the king and the queen.


A thorough grounding in the arts of war, primarily focused on the traditional Lycoran curved sword. Also demonstrably well-versed in strategy and tactics, riding, and figuring.


Prince of Parnassus King of Cordonia High King of Lore

Accomplishments & Achievements

Rescue of Yvaine - Shortly before their wedding, Yvaine was abducted by her former suitor Rhys of the Braewood. Emlyn, Aric, Cerwyn, and Florian mounted a rescue, following the clues Yvaine had managed to leave and tricking their way into Rhys' keep to free her.
Greenhand's Rebellion - One of the early challenges to Emlyn's reign came in the form of a rebel lord out of the northwest, Galad Greenhand, known to his people as "the uncrowned king." He led the push against what he saw as another would-be Lycoran incursion, but surrendered his claim after Ser Florian defeated him in a duel.
Peace With the River King - When Lord of Dinas Bran and self-proclaimed "River King" sought to stir dissent and incite a new rebellion, his son and heir was summoned to serve at the court of Cordonia. While originally the youth was a hostage, he rose to become a valued Companion on his own merits.

Failures & Embarrassments

Flight From Parnassus - When Melwas Godsgrief seized control of Parnassus and executed Lord Artorius, it was all Emlyn and his companions could do to escape with their lives; it would take years before the king got his longed-for final reckoning with Melwas.
The Black Wedding - Not long into Emlyn's reign, Melwas reached out to offer peace terms - if Emlyn would set aside Yvaine of the Golden Hair and marry his own daughter. Emlyn agreed to continue the talks in person at the southern border - where Melwas betrayed the flag of peace and set an ambush, which killed a great many of Emlyn's men and might have killed Emlyn himself if not for the intervention of his would-be bride.

Mental Trauma

Marked by the early loss of his father and his home, showed evidence of a deep simmering anger and a tendency toward recklessnes in battle


Contacts & Relations

Yvaine of the Golden Hair - Emlyn's queen, whom he married to seal his alliance with King Luddoc of Cordonia; said to be the most beautiful woman in the realm, golden-haired and violet-eyed and "kind as summer." Mother of three of Emlyn's children, including the crown princess.
Captain Aric Illyrion - First sworn to Artorius, then to Emlyn; the oldest of Emlyn's companions and his Serjeant-At-Arms
Ser Cerwyn the Red - Son of Melwas and a lifelong companion of Emlyn. Though regarded with suspicion by some, his loyalty never wavered; was described by Emlyn himself as "my most steadfast companion." Also oft-described as well-spoken and "comely to look upon."
Lady Charissa Illyrion - Seneschal of Caer Cordonia under Emlyn, cousin of Aric. Witty, clever, and a learned magus. Later became the king's lover and mother of three of his children.
Ser Gwilym Strong - The strongest and most courageous of Emlyn's companions, known for his hot head as much as his actual skill in battle. One of the original companions who fled Parnassus with Emlyn.
Ser Rogare Matissi - Younger son of a Myrrinese banking clan, sent north to establish a branch in Parnassus; fled with Emlyn during Melwas' takeover and later became the fledgling kingdom of Lore's first Master of Coffers.
Ser Florian the Fair - Also known as the Ladies' Knight and the Knight of Flowers; a warrior-poet as deadly on the battlefield as he was courtly and graceful off of it. Another of the "original" companions who followed Emlyn from Parnassus.
Ser Severin Novaris - The son of a judge and highly educated in matters of law, as well as a clever strategist and cunning swordsman; key in helping Emlyn forge a new code of law from the old Imperial writ and the Talethi and Cordonian ones already in place in his new kingdom. Last of the core companions from Parnassus, and Lore's first lawmaster and Keeper of the Seals.
Ser Galad Greenhand - A later addition to the companions, an alleged demigod son of the goddess Anath known for his prodigious strength, which waxed and waned with the rising and setting of the sun. Followed Florian back to Cordonia after their duel "for love of him."
Ser Aneurin - A young knight of humble birth who turned to the blade to avenge the murder of his sister Anwen; known for his beauty as well as his skill, and rumored to have been the queen's lover and the actual father of Princess Ygerna.
Rhisiart Night-Blade - a sell-sword originally employed by Melwas; he dazzled Emlyn and his companions with his skill and grew to respect theirs over the course of many battles
Ser Tiernan Betrys - son of Lord Elemar of Dinas Bran, the self-proclaimed River King; originally a hostage to ensure his father's good behavior, but rose through the ranks by his own merits to become one of the king's companions. Referred to in some of the oldest tales as the king's "cupbearer."

Family Ties

Spouse and Lovers
Queen Yvaine
Lady Charissa
Sereia Oberos -
A courtesan, originally from Coranis; sent by the Archon as a peace offering upon the founding of Lore

Crown Princess Seren - oldest child of King Emlyn and Queen Yvaine, she succeeded her father in 536 AD.
Prince Cydfan - oldest son of King Emlyn and Queen Yvaine
Princess Amerei - oldest daughter of King Emlyn and Lady Charissa
Princess Rowena - daughter of King Emlyn and Sereia Oberos
Princess Aletha - second daughter of King Emlyn and Lady Charissa
Prince Naoise - son of King Emlyn and Lady Charissa
Princess Ygerna - youngest daughter of King Emlyn and Queen Yvaine, or possibly of Queen Yvaine and Ser Aneurin
Prince Pryderi aka Pryderi Threestrings - son of King Emlyn and Sereia Oberos, famous for recording the deeds of Vaniel Elf-Friend and the Guardians as well as the most famous stories from his father's reign, and for persuading Queen Seren to take the Guardians into her own service after the death of Vaniel
Parnassus Province
Place of Death
Long, sleek, white-blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Twain
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype
Harry Lloyd

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