Sunset Pearl Lyniettie Material in Lorelle | World Anvil
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Sunset Pearl Lyniettie


Material Characteristics

Sunset Pearl Lyniettie are large, pink and orange flowers with between 5 and 9 petals around a central ovary, which turns golden when the flower is ready to pick. They grow on a climbing vine and can be propagated through cuttings or planted by collecting the seeds. These seeds are usually spread by air on wind-catching fluff.


Sunset Pearl lyniettie, as with most lyniettie, can be ground into a liquid and combined with water to make lyniettie juice.

History & Usage


Sunset Pearl lyniettie's unique properties were not discovered until late in Queen Candace's reign. Before that time, it was just considered to be a useful variety of lyniettie that was somewhat difficult to work with. It became widely used during the reign of Queen Cara and the battles against Vanna. A mixture of Sunset Pearl lyniettie and Purple Filigree lyniettie was the usual combination used by Nix.

Everyday use

Sunset Pearl lyniettie is most commonly used as a part of shadowwort-resistant lyniettie juice.  This, in turn, is used in lyniettie cloth as armor, and in most usual lyniettie bubble uses.
Similar to peaches or nectarines
Bright pink with orange-gold tips
Common State
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