Shadowwort Possession Condition in Lorelle | World Anvil
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Shadowwort Possession

Transmission & Vectors

It is transmitted through the air in the form of shadowwort smoke - breathing in enough shadowwort smoke will result in possession.  It is not infectious, thus to be able to control anyone, the person using shadowwort must make sure their target inhales enough of the shadowwort smoke.


Shadowwort possession is caused by a shadowwort user creating shadowwort smoke.  It can happen naturally, but only rarely, and the symptoms and results are different.  For shadowwort possession to happen naturally, shadowwort must be burned and the resulting smoke inhaled.  The slightly more common synthetic possession happens when a shadowwort user pours lyniettie juice that is bound with shadowwort smoke onto the ground.  The liquid quickly evaporates into a cloud of smoke-like mist which will cause possession when inhaled.


  • Difficulty breathing
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of muscle control
  • Forced to do the shadowwort user's will


At early stages, victims can be treated by removing them from the source of shadowwort smoke.  At later stages, victims may need to be restrained to prevent them from returning to the shadowwort user.  Once a victim has been fully possessed, they will need to be cured by drinking pure lyniettie juice (cure is WIP).


The first symptoms of shadowwort possession are mild nausea and difficulty breathing, caused by initial breathing of the smoke. At this stage, victims may be able to escape further problems by leaving the place where they were exposed. Next, victims will lose muscle control, which usually results in the victim collapsing.  After further exposure, the victim will lose consciousness and be subject to the shadowwort user's will and control. Once controlled, the victim will be forced to do the shadowwort user's bidding until they are freed from the possession.


Recuperation complications may include bouts of nausea and difficulty breathing.  In general, possession does not have many aftereffects, but after being possessed once, it may be easy for victims to be possessed again - there is no such thing as total immunity.

Affected Groups

Any human or animal can be affected by shadowwort smoke, though those with strong wills may be less affected or be able to resist possession.


Shadowwort possession can be prevented by limiting exposure to shadowwort smoke.  This can be achieved by placing a lyniettie bubble over your head, which will temporarily prevent you from breathing in the smoke, but as shadowwort limits lyniettie magic, is only a temporary solution.  The best way to avoid shadowwort possession is to get out of the shadowwort smoke before you collapse.

Cultural Reception

Victims of this condition may be considered untrustworthy or feared, even if they have been cured, since others may believe they are still under the shadowwort user's control.

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