Creation Myth Myth in Lore and Order | World Anvil
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Creation Myth

It all started with an end. The end of a universe, as the density of the material in that universe increased endlessly to the point that it started to collapse in on itself. As this universe had been progressing and evolving for billions of years before this, the last organisms from this reality were enormously evolutionarily advanced and were now capable of drawing energy directly from the last dying suns and decaying atoms. These beings would come to be known as 'Demiurges' in earthly culture. By the time the universe collapsed, there was only one Demiurge left alive. Her name was Sophia, and she was pregnant with twins. The universe finally caved in on itself, terrifying Sophia and leaving her traumatised. Due to the amount of energy she had absorbed just before the final collapse of her reality, she was somehow able to survive. With literally no reality around her, she edged closer to death. On her deathbed, she gave birth to the twins - the last of the Demiurges and the beings who would ultimately facilitate the existence of our current reality. In the sudden burst of energy produced by the collapsing universe - literally quarks and leptons coming apart - a material called 'Primordial Clay' was created. It was simply the Demiurges and the Clay floating around in a void between universes, and the two beings - being basically children - thought that they should make some company for themselves. The Demiurges had been creators and destroyers in their own universe, basically cosmic gardeners, and so creation came naturally to them. The twins were male and female, order and chaos, light and dark. They were perfect opposites that couldn’t exist without each-other. The male entity has come to be known as the 'Cosmic Joker', whereas the female being is called 'Yaldabaoth'. The Demiurges were currently inexperienced in creation, and so the entities they produced were savage and disorderly. They would come to be known as the 'Chaos Gods', and they were first detailed by humanity through still-unexplained contacts they achieved with HP Lovecraft. The Chaos Gods fed on the Primordial Clay in the void around them, and as they moved around they generated more of it. They were perfectly self-sustaining organisms capable of living endlessly without a depletion of their food source. The Demiurges were very proud - or they were for a while until the sheer mass of their creations and the ever-increasing amount of Primordial Clay began to coalesce to produce the first semblances of gravity in this new world. The ridiculously massive products of the Demiurges' creations started to be slowly pulled towards the central point of the void, and the panic that ensued led to the two Demiurges going into near-permanent hiding. This was because of the memories that Sophia had passed onto them about the collapse of her universe, and what a terrible happening it was. The Demiurges were genuinely frightened for the first time in their lives, and they thus placed themselves in a pocket dimension outside of the void - leaving their chaotic creations to be sucked into an enormous singularity. While this was happening, war broke out among the Chaos Gods, with the supply of Primordial Clay decreasing as more and more of it was sucked into the central point. This event is known as the Event Horizon War, because it took place when there was no going back from the singularity. In their panicked state, the Chaos Gods discovered that the Demiurges had accidentally given them the gift of creation as well - and thus created living weapons to fight each-other with. Among these were the Hounds of Tindalos and Nightgaunts, and these creatures constituted the first monsters that are still alive today. As was always inevitable, the contents of the void was finally sucked into one pinprick-sized space - before bursting back out in an event now known as the 'Big Bang'. Springing forth almost from nowhere after the Big Bang, beings now referred to as the New Gods appeared, likely generated from the enormous burst of energy and Primordial Clay involved in that event, as well as the general malleability of reality exacerbated by the creations of the Chaos Gods. The New Gods were a very small group, but considerably more powerful and evolved than the Chaos Gods, not needing to interact with Primordial Clay at all to remain alive. The Chaos Gods were monstrous and unpredictable, and certainly had far more physical strength than the New Gods, but the newer species was eventually able to imprison the chaotic deities in a cosmic 'Cage' constructed specifically for that purpose. The New Gods had all of the abilities of the Chaos Gods but without their reliance on Primordial Clay and inherently violent nature. The New Gods are the entities that we now refer to by names such as 'God' or 'Allah'. Just like the Demiurges had been before them, the New Gods were now faced with a completely empty universe over which they had control - and so naturally decided to create matter and the elements to entertain themselves. The void that existed at this time was called Ginnungagap, and reality was in a state of constant flux based on probability and the extremely high concentration of Primordial Clay would mould itself to the decisions of the New Gods, seeing as they were the points of the highest concentration of the material. The different decisions and paths taken by the entities would begin to form splinter realities, which would eventually become different realms inhabited by completely unique beings. The different realities were connected by a tree-like structure made of pure Primordial Clay, and this would later come to be known as Yggdrasil in Norse mythology. The alternate realms and Yggdrasil were extremely rudimentary at this point, and they were all formed from single decisions that could have been made by the Gods. As knowledge appears to be passed down through generations of gods, the New Gods now had the ability to control gravity and prevent it from destroying their creations, and could also use it as an automatic control system for the shapes of what they were making - thus producing the first semblance of planets. Yahweh and Allah (brothers) decided to attempt to produce life once more, but were more careful than the Demiurges and the Chaos Gods had been. The first beings that created were Angels, which originally lacked free will and would act as a military to control the rest of their creations. Allah also produced the free-willed Djinn from the excess energy (expressed as heat) generated in the fusion of Clay to create angels, thus effectively making them from 'smokeless fire'. The Djinn would remain subservient to Allah until later on, acting as naught more than incorporeal counterparts to the humans that would be invented in a moment. The third and final sentient race directly created by Allah and Yahweh were humans. More accurately, two humans. Adam was generated first, being shaped into the form of a human being from Primordial Clay and the organic elements already present on Earth. As a lover for Adam, Yahweh repeated this procedure and created a female human who he named Lilith. Lilith was a free spirit, and - using the free will which Yahweh very clearly gave her - refused to lay under Adam during procreation. Yahweh was furious at this, and in his first display of misogyny and homicidal tendencies, he immediately rendered Lilith one of the first demons - casting her out of Eden and forcing her to feed on the children of humans. Trying again, Yahweh took one of the ribs from Adam's body and shaped a female human out of it, producing Eve from Adam's own flesh and blood to make certain that they would be genetically similar enough to constitute a species. Both Adam and Eve were not exactly human, but were instead supernatural beings formed from a much higher concentration of Primordial Clay than modern humans - rendering them capable of duplicating themselves and rapidly healing from any injury. These duplicates were able to interbreed, allowing a small human population to grow throughout the Garden of Eden - a special area cordoned off by the two deities for the purposes of experimentation with life. Other animals, mostly those which are observable nowadays, were also first created in the Garden of Eden. An interesting footnote is that there is no evidence of dinosaurs existing in Eden, even though there is clear evidence that they existed later. After the creation of humankind, one particular angel begun to get jealous of the respect with which Yahweh treated his newest creations. This technically shouldn’t have been possible, but it is likely that it was simply an error in the coding that allowed Lucifer to feel emotions. This same error would later spread to most of the other angels, but that doesn’t happen for a while. Acting out of jealousy and frustration after his repeated demands for equality between mankind and angels were denied, he possessed the body of a serpent - his angelic fury slightly mutating the body of the creature until it became a humanlike serpent monster known as a Draconopedes. Manipulating the environment around him using magical abilities enhanced by his rage and rebellion against his creator, he was able to create a tree bearing a 'forbidden fruit' which could bestow all the knowledge that he had learnt from being Yahweh's favourite angel, as well as his instinct to rebel against Yahweh. Eventually, he was able to tempt Eve to consume the forbidden fruit, and Eve gave this curse to Adam as well - meaning that they both became completely self-aware. Yahweh was dismayed, and so he used the non-rebellious angels for what they had originally been built for - keeping his creations in line. He ordered a squadron of Cherubim to evict Adam and Eve from the Garden, whereupon he sealed it permanently. It eventually collapsed into a vast cave system beneath the earth. Adam and Eve were now on their own, wandering throughout the barren planet. Lilith and Lucifer (now going by the name Satan) menaced them, and it is likely that they encountered some of the remnants of the Chaos Gods' army of eldritch monsters as well. All hope was not lost, however, seeing as the first couple were literal embodiments of Yahweh's creation ability, and plants sprung up beneath their feet. The animals from Eden eventually spread across the earth, resulting in a world that resembled a primitive version of what we see today. There is also evidence that a civilisation of reptilian humanoids known as 'Antediluvians' existed at the time, and were likely capable of using nuclear power to a degree. It is unknown how such a technologically-advanced civilisation existed at this early point in history, but they are (mostly) extinct nowadays. The many descendants of Adam and Eve are also known to have encountered rogue angels who had aligned themselves with Satan. These angels were highly concupiscent, having just discovered their ability to have sexual intercourse. The humans were the closest sentient entities with which they could share this pleasure, and so several illicit unisons occurred between angels and humankind. The children created from these unholy partnerships were enormous in stature but brutish and unintelligent in temperament, and would eventually come to be known as 'Nephilim'. Interbreeding between humans and Nephilim also occurred, resulting the gene pool of humanity becoming thoroughly corrupted with that of rebellious angels - and also causing a significant increase in the stature of the regular humans. Eventually they are said to have reached a maximum of 15ft tall. The world was in total disarray - Satan had successfully ruined Yahweh's creation. Distraught, Yahweh communicated with one of the descendants of Adam and Eve, called Noah, and told him to build an enormous ark on which he could escape the coming destruction of the planet. Yahweh had decided to destroy his original vision for the world and let the planet start from scratch again. After setting up the equivalent of a magical blueprint for a point that life should eventually reach (humankind), and allowing the process of evolution to take hold, Yahweh sent an enormous flood down onto the planet - deluging the occupants of the world and killing most of the organisms that were not brought on the ark with Noah. The earth was now completely barren, all signs of previous life wiped away by the Flood. Yahweh abandoned his creation temporarily, instead retreating to his newly-constructed aerial realm known as 'Heaven', where he would constantly train and refine his angelic army. The remnants of the deluge would go on to be the first water on this now-redeveloping earth, allowing the remnants of the life that had once flourished to evolve into more simplistic forms of life - now known as cyanobacteria. While life slowly progressed back to the heady heights at which it had once been, Satan declared war on Yahweh and used his group of rebel angels to cause havoc in his creator's sky kingdom. This war would rage for many thousands of years, Satan and Yahweh both creating aberrant monsters and natural phenomena with which to fight each other. It was at this time that some of the creatures that would eventually become known as demons were born, from the corrupted souls of wrathful and violent angels. However, there was currently no Hell to contain them. In the chaos, Satan realised that he would inevitably be defeated by Yahweh, who was the most powerful entity that he had ever seen, and so instead elected to unleash a bigger problem on his kingdom. Satan broke into the Cosmic Cage with the intention of releasing the Chaos Gods. However, the Chaos Gods had evolved into two distinct groups over this time - with one of them remaining as monstrous and bestial (and thus keeping the name Chaos Gods) and the other becoming more intelligent and ordered, organising themselves into families and societal structures. These families were called Pantheons, and the this new group of deities took the name of the 'Old Gods' - or were given that name by modern researchers, at least. The Old Gods needed to feed on Primordial Clay but could not generate nearly enough to be fully self-sustaining. Trace quantities of Primordial Clay exist in the different features of the natural environment, and so the Old Gods hid themselves among the natural elements, such as trees, rock features and bodies of water. Although the Old Gods were mostly benevolent entities desiring dominance of the natural world and to embody concepts, there were some other entities unleashed from the Cosmic Cage. These beings were the savage and yet intelligent creatures that were the missing links between the Chaos and Old Gods. They would become known as Titans, and among their ranks were species like the Jötunn, and terrifying individuals like Apophis. Yahweh was significantly weakened from his war with Satan that he was unable to immediately destroy the significantly weaker Old Gods, and was instead still fighting with his ultimate adversary. The world had now progressed to the period that modern scientists call the 'Mesozoic', and dinosaurs were ruling the land after evolving from advanced reptile-like creatures. It was obviously inevitable that a new form of sapient life would evolve in this time, one which was not originally intended by Yahweh to exist. The magical blueprints had given the process of evolution what was basically a goal to work towards - the human race - but there were several false starts where the process attempted to create humans early. One of those examples was the 'Dinosauroid' - an upright-walking, bipedal reptile with a humanoid body shape and intelligence comparable to primitive humans. While Yahweh was fighting Satan, who had now created a race of destructive monsters from the body parts of prehistoric reptiles (later known as dragons). Realising that Satan was posing serious danger to the existence of the natural elements on which they depended, the Old Gods decided to form a tenuous alliance with Yahweh to finally defeat the Devil. This was eventually successful, and the combined forces of the gods were able to imprison Satan in a fiery realm of torment created specifically for his containment - later known as Hell. The flames of Hell have a corruptive effect, eventually mutating all which is burnt in them into demonic creatures. This process eventually changed Satan from a beautiful angel to the horned humanoid depicted in modern culture. Little did Yahweh know, this torture had now given him something to seek revenge for, and his hatred of his maker would only continue to grow. Continuing to combine their powers, and using the Old Gods' knowledge of their closest relatives, Yahweh was able to force the Chaos Gods to retreat off the planet and into deep space in a battle that has come to be known as God War One (GWI). Cthulhu (one of their leaders) was imprisoned beneath a vast underwater structure known as Ry'leh. The help that the Old Gods had provided Yahweh meant that a permanent alliance was drawn up between the two races - the Old Gods would be allowed to inhabit natural features of the planet, and would also be able to create and protect their own groups of humans when they finally evolved. Yahweh and his New Gods would, however, remain in power and would have to be consulted if any decisions were to be made. It almost seemed like Yahweh cared about the welfare of his allies at this moment, but this would swiftly change. Determined to prevent Satan from rising again, and to take out the majority of his creations - Yahweh sent a meteorite careering towards earth with the intention of destroying the dragons and demons. This backfired enormously, decimating the natural environment and wiping out the naturally-evolved dinosaurs. The Old Gods depended on the natural conditions of the planet, and so were thus distraught at this. The Dinosauroids - although they are mostly forgotten nowadays - were able to develop more advanced technology and flee the planet temporarily - before later returning in the age of humanity where they are recognised as an alien species called the 'Reptilians'. The Old Gods would eventually manage to help the planet to grow back to its original state, but this was the beginning of extreme animosity between the New and Old Gods. After the age of the dinosaurs was over, the planet was dominated by mammals, eventually leading to the evolutionary path that would finally produce humanity. Yahweh ruled over his planet, but allowed the Old Gods to exist and form great families and rich history. The deities that were allowed to rule over Scandinavia were the first beings to discover different dimensions and explore Yggdrasil. The 'World Tree' was still extremely malleable at this point, and so it began to form into a literal tree - seeing as the Old Gods exploring it were most familiar with natural elements like that. Yahweh was uncomfortable with the Old Gods having access to different dimensions, but there was nothing that he could do about it without seriously damaging Yggdrasil, which would have untold consequences for reality itself. This meant that the Old Gods now had access to sections of the universe where Yahweh had no power - thus encouraging them to colonise some of these dimensions. The most well-known realm that was created at this time is now called Asgard, and acted as stronghold and vast paradise for the Scandinavian Old Gods. The bestial Jötnar migrated to a frigid realm that they would name Jötunheimr, and another subspecies of Jötnar known as Eldjötnar (fire giants) moved to a flaming plane of existence referred to as Muspelheim. Humans had now evolved, and the Old Gods leapt on their opportunity to create sentient followers for themselves, because they needed to feed on the Primordial Clay generated during worship. Humans are so heavy with Primordial Clay because of the slow process of evolution in a world saturated with the substance, allowing it to disperse among the generations until a fairly even concentration of it was present in each human. It coagulated in the humans' bodies at seven different points, referred to as Chakras. Each Chakra contributes to a different aspect of sentience, and the Primordial Clay that exists within the brains of sentient life is ultimately what gives them their self-awareness. The brain itself cannot produce self-awareness, but the presence of high concentrations of Primordial Clay within it - interfering with the firing of neurons and obstructing nerve paths in a way that is still not entirely understood - produces the effect of consciousness and the ability to be aware of oneself. The Primordial Clay in the brain is what is known as the soul - and it is better to imagine it as sort of like a rock strata. There are multiple levels of the material within the brain, and these levels are referred to as different levels of the soul. All animals have a Lower Soul, which governs primitive emotions and impulses. Sentient life has an Upper Soul, which creates complex emotions and self-awareness. There is some speculation as to the existence of a third level of the soul that is only obtainable through magic use or spiritual enlightenment, but this is currently unproven. When a sentient being dies, the Upper Soul leaves the body and is transported to the realm of 'Limbo' by a psychopomp (originally specially-assigned angels but the Old Gods swiftly developed their own equivalents) where it is asked about its time on earth, and whether it has unfinished business. This is not necessarily a conscious decision on the part of the being in question, because the Upper Soul becomes solely focussed on its emotions and unable to think clearly when it is removed from the body. This is why 'unfinished business' is focussed on, and can result in the Upper Soul rejecting the concept of the Afterlife and returning to earth as a ghost. The Lower Soul will stay in the body at all times, eventually being dispersed among the environment around it after the death of its host. This is why ghouls and other related monsters prefer to feed on corpses as opposed to living beings. Necromancers or some dark magic-inclined creatures can use the Lower Soul to animate the corpse of a deceased being, creating an undead entity. Magic works through a similar mechanism as prayer. Faith is the generation of intense devotion and love towards to deity, and this goes straight to the Upper Soul. When certain actions are performed based on these powerful emotions, such as praying or offering sacrifices, pieces of the Upper Soul disperse out towards the recipient of the prayer - thus giving the Old Gods a reason to demand sacrifices and prayer from their human followers. Magic works by honing and controlling the raw emotions present in the Upper Soul, and gaining the ability to consciously decide how the concentration of Primordial Clay in the atmosphere around you versus the concentration of it inside you will be arranged. The differences in concentration gradient will either lead to Primordial Clay dispersing out of an individual or surging into it, and this can be used by some skilled people to govern what sort of particles, molecules or even quantum effects the Clay generates. Spells act as ways to teach certain Primordial Clay based skills, and witchcraft is based on this as well as appealing to deities or more powerful magical beings. This is why the Old Gods needed to gain as many human followers as possible, because that would help to keep them alive and powerful. The Old Gods governed much of the planet at this point, and although Yahweh was still supposed to be their ruler he was almost forgotten. Different populations of humans in different areas would be created, taught and protected by the Old Gods in return for their worship and devotion. A quick note about the effect of Primordial Clay on the Old Gods is necessary here, because it is known that changes in the images and ideas of a god to which prayers are devoted can slowly (and involuntarily) change the appearance and behaviour of the Old God. There was a war between the Old Gods and the Titans, in which a Titan named Tiamat drew inspiration from stories of the Event Horizon War and amalgamated the parts from numerous animals in the surrounding environment to create some of the first ever monsters. This took place in the Middle East, while the same sort of path of monster creation was being explored in the Greek Isles by another entity named Typhon. These monsters were originally naught more than biological weapons designed to hurt and kill other deities, but most of them would eventually become wild and disperse around the planet - adapting and breeding with one another to create an enormously diverse range of beastly monsters. These beings are characterised by their general lack of intelligence, animalistic appearances and natures, and usually the fact that their bodies are made up of amalgamations of various natural animals. Typhon was eventually defeated by Zeus - the leader of the ancient Greek pantheon, and Tiamat was forced to retreat to the depths of some unknown realm. It was at this time in history that the Anunnaki, a presumably extraterrestrial race, landed on earth and attempted to colonise the planet, producing the first human/alien hybrids and laying the groundwork for the existence of the beings that would eventually come to be known as 'Ultraterrestrials'. They arrived in the Middle East, dominating the Sumerian religion for a period of time before they were cast out by the actual Sumerian deities which they had attempted to impersonate. However, the presence of the hybrids went unchecked, and they eventually spread all throughout the world. Yahweh, of course, was desperate to remain relevant and to lap up attention from human followers - even though he did not biologically need it to survive. He joined one of the previously existing pantheons, that worshipped by the Canaanites of the Middle East, to be precise - and originally served as naught more than a cosmic warrior in this role. Gradually, however, he began to assert his dominance over the other gods. He was eventually promoted to the leader of this pantheon, before finally casting aside the other deities and renouncing them as demonic or evil. His followers were unaware of this gradual change, and forgot their once-beloved pantheon. The Canaanite pantheon was furious, but were powerless to do anything now due to the lack of worship they had to feed on and the indomitable power of Yahweh. This was the beginning of Hebrew Judaism, and spawned the religion that would eventually evolve into Christianity. The events that Yahweh set in motion would result in the isolation and mythologizing of almost all other gods, and the Hebrew religion spread among the Middle East. This would begin a long age of tyranny, with entities such as Beelzebub appearing due to the literal demonization of a deity named Baal-Zebub. The Old Testament Bible was written, depicting the exploits of the Prophets and various kings with which Yahweh allied himself. Allah, who had been working alongside Yahweh all this time, was eventually alienated by Yahweh as well - when, his ego swelling with pride, Yahweh declared himself to be the only deity that either existed or was allowed to be worshipped by humanity. Allah broke away from Yahweh, and started his own religion by creating a Prophet of his own. This faith would later become Islam. The time had come for the Old Gods to rise up against Yahweh's tyranny - especially the Egyptian and Hittite pantheons. They were able to overpower Yahweh by the suddenness of their attack, and also due to his tendency to underestimate his enemies. Satan was broken out of Hell permanently, allowing him to lead large groups of demons and fallen angels against Yahweh. Pantheons that had previously been allied with Yahweh were horrified at what he had become when given such a high level of power, and teamed up with other pantheons and the forces of Hell to temporarily overthrow Yahweh. Yahweh is only so powerful because he is not restricted to one element, physical form or set of abilities. Ra came up with the idea to force him to take human form, and he took inspiration from the story of Horus as to how this should be done. Threatened with being completely outcast, Yahweh agreed to this and impregnated a human woman with a half-divine child. Most of Yahweh's abilities and consciousness was placed in the human body of Jesus Christ, but the remains of his vast power was split up into ten different parts. These are called the Sefirot, and still exist today. One of these Sefirot was an entity named Shekhinah, who acted as the feminine counterpart to Yahweh. She was much calmer and far less homicidal, and Yahweh's own genocidal tendencies were quelled by his forced inhabitancy of Jesus. He desired to spread peace among humans while he was in this form, but also to further the spread of Judaism and to make certain that the Old Gods were forgotten for what they had done to him. This was, ultimately, successful - and enough people became enamoured with his new form of Jesus that Judaism was overtaken by 'Christianity'. This faith spread all around the world after the Roman Empire realised they could use it to make people subservient to them. Although Satan had been unleashed on the world, his influence was utterly dominated by the Christian religion. A large number of the Old Gods were either enormously depowered or killed completely, seeing as only small pockets of the human population now worshipped them at all. Followers of Christianity overruled a lot of their ancient ceremonies, making it so that Easter was no longer devoted to a goddess named Eostre but rather to the resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross. Some Old Gods had learnt to live in households across Europe, however, and it would be this group of deities that would ultimately come out mostly unscathed from Yahweh's takeover. The Greek household gods, named Larēs, spread into the rest of Europe by attaching themselves to families and household objects. They eventually lost their divinity and exchanged it for supreme adaptability, creating another alternate realm in which they could dwell without threat of harm from Yahweh. They could also use this realm to enter and leave our reality at will, capable of manifesting anywhere they desired. These adapted deities eventually became known as faeries, and the world that they created was the Faery Realm. Faeries proved to be an extremely successful group of entities, and diversified into thousands of different species and forms - some monstrous and some noble and chivalrous. They spread out of households to inhabit the sections of the natural world that they had once been allowed to rule as Old Gods, and a group of them eventually evolved into entities called Elementals - which would inhabit the four most basic aspects of our world. The water elementals, Undines, evolved into the common river and ocean dwelling beings called Nymphs, and the Oceanids (ocean nymphs) finally adapted much better to their environment, gaining long fluked tails and fishlike features. They became Merfolk. The Old Gods were still present, but they were much less prevalent. When Jesus was killed, as he claimed to have planned, Yahweh ascended back up to Heaven and re-joined the Sefirot, now seemingly permanently split into ten equal parts and thus being far less powerful than he once was. He no longer had the capability, or the desire, to produce enormous floods or summon meteors. The world was progressing in a manner vaguely similar to that which he originally wanted, but there had been several severe changes along the way. Eventually humankind evolved to where we are now - with the stories of battles between gods and monsters being relegated as mythology and folklore. Some more notable events would be noted down in the annals of the study of the 'paranormal', but the true extent to which this rabbit hole goes is yet to be discovered by humans. As humans have strayed further away from their primitive state, a vast majority of the rules set out by Yahweh and the other New Gods have been forgotten, and so if Yahweh was ever to be released upon the world again it would be disastrous. Yahweh knew that the planet would eventually be corrupted and become too difficult to fix, and so he built in a sort of killswitch. Entities such as the Leviathan and the Behemoth are among the monsters that he created to carry out this apocalyptic command, and the aftermath of this was seen in the Biblical visions of Revelation. If Yahweh was ever to be remade from the ten Sefirot, he would surely regain the power that he once had - and would be extremely displeased with the state of the world today.

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