Understanding the State of the World in Lonu'l | World Anvil
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Understanding the State of the World

A primer for the world of Lonu'l in Act II of Song of the Saints.

        "Word has spread of the triumph against the great Leviathan at the top of the world. In that frozen hellscape, a group of forgotten individuals became unsung heroes. Though their acts have prevented a far greater threat to the land, the flooding of coastal regions have caused widespread panic and hardship. It was there our heroes finished their quest, returning the memories of the forgotten to the world. I believe that this band of adventurers should be watched by the council, for their story is not yet concluded."
- Archon Gideon Wellspring

The World of Lonu'l

Thousands of years ago, there was a great flood that consumed the world and wiped out all life in the world. Small pockets of surviviors from the old world made it and repopulated the world after the floods receeded. The foundations they created evolved into the world we know today as Lonu'l , which translated from the old Eldar language means 'Land of the Living'.

Today the world suffers from carnage and famine created by mortals without direction. Long ago, the protector god Adriel left the world and in his absence the world has grown darker. The influence of foreign gods and monsters warp the world he once inhabited into a chaotic mess of ideology and greed. Most concerning of all, groups of individuals around the world have begun to harness a dark power which breaks all known laws of the world. This power has been named by researchers as SIN.

Changes After the Leviathan

It has been 7 months since the activation of the Instrument of Armaggedon at the north pole and the defeat of the great Leviathan, known as the Faint Lotus. In that time, our adventurers have been revisiting their pasts after the memories of them were returned. Although the Instrument of Armaggedon was disrupted during its activation, it would appear that it still managed to cause damage that was felt around the world.

Coastal Flooding

With sea levels rising over the months since the defeat of the Leviathan, settlements located near bodies of water have begun to suffer. Coastal cities without the resources or magic needed to prevent damage have been ravaged by the rise of water and several smaller settlements have become abandoned. Major ports and coastal cities managed to fortify their settlements to prevent flooding with the help from leagues of mages.

Northern Refugees

The Instrument of Armaggedon caused the northern ice to melt, leading to thousands of those living in the north to migrate south. This has caused a refugee crisis for the Brotherhood of Ekrab and many are struggling to house and feed these people fleeing the north. There aren't just innocent refugees fleeing south h, the giants and goliath clans of the north are said to be raiding far northern settlements and declaring that they will retake the south from those who stole it from them long ago.

Leviathan's Corpse

When the Leviathan known as the Faint Lotus was slain, his body began to decay. With the ice of the north melting off into the greater sea, pieces of his corpse have begun to wash ashore across the eastern coast of Lonu'l . Several settlements have cut contact with the rest of the world after retrieving these parts, and sailors who came into contact with these pieces return to shore changed. It would seem that these pieces carry a plague that alters the minds of the infected. Over time, they turn into crazed individuals who wander off into the depths of the sea. The leader of the Arcadian Isles claims to know of a cure for this sickness, and well-informed individuals travel to the isles in hope of a cure.
The Faint Lotus revealed that he was sent by 'The Creator' to reset the world. He claimed that the inhabitants of the world were using this substance known as SIN to disobey the rules of the world set in place by the creator. If this power were to grow out of hand, the world would become chaotic and destroy itself. Using the Instruments of Armageddon to reset the world would cull the population and wipe out the discovery of SIN. The Faint Lotus also claimed that this is a cycle that has repeated many times before where The Creator sees that the world is straying away from his vision and resets it.

The Faint Lotus then transformed into his true form, a Leviathan, and our heroes defeated him. After their battle, they attempted to destroy the core of the artificial sun that was the Instrument of Armageddon at the north pole. Though they did not stop the device from powering up, they did irreversable damage to the core of the machine, possibly stunting the power of the device for good.


MagiQuest Castle
Building / Landmark | Oct 3, 2023
        It has been 5 months since you left the funeral of Mr. Habiki. During that time, each of you have returned back to a part of your old life and carried with you all that you learned during your adventure. With news that the MagiQuest team finished rennovations on the Habiki family castle, you decide to head back to reunite with your friends once again.

The MagiQuest Castle

Constructed out of the rotting castle left to Mr. Akira Habiki, the MagiQuest castle is owned by the party. Through Hermanius's connections with MagiQuest, the castle was given funding for a rennovation by the company with a catch, it be turned into and operated as a MagiQuest. Funded by Mr. Takahara, an ambitious businessman apart of the MagiQuest corperate team, the castle's rennovation acted as payment to the players for rights to host the MagiQuest in the location.

The company will keep all profits, but the players get access to the teleporter, discounts on the shop items, and have rights to the advisor board for the MagiQuest Castle location. With this privlivge, the party can hire new staff and raise funds to construct expansions on their property.

Returning Home

Each of you ventured back to a part of your old lives during the 5 months apart. We explored parts of your tale during each of your solo one-shots, but thats not the limit of your adventure. What did you get up to during your time away? Did you visit anyone from your life? Explore any interesting places? Reflect on anything about yourself or your situation? These are the things to think about while you make the journey back to the MagiQuest.

An Intriguing Invitation

Tharin Stoneheart, the resident teleportation expert at the MagiQuest, hands you a letter.

"It would appear that you have caught the attention of the leader of the Arcadian Isles during your absence. It's rare to see anything come out of the Isles, perhaps this might be a matter of upmost urgency..."

The Letter from Arcadia

A letter from the Arcadian Isles is recieved at your MagiQuest Castle. The elegant golden seal shows an image of a single hand reaching up towards the sun. In any other circumstance, this would me a mundane yet fascinating opportunity. But being sent from the Arcadian Isles makes this letter haunting. The Isles have been isolated for the better part of two decades, with not a single individual returning from the Isles. Not even wreckage from ships wash ashore from the Isles, its as if they disappeared. But here you are, recieving a rather formal letter from the Arcadian Isles. Perhaps you are holding onto a practical joke, or maybe it might just be the only message that made it out in the last 20 years.

Journey to Arcadia

The letter invites you to the island of Arcadia, largest of all in the island chain located south of Lonu'l. It is said that those who venture to the Isles never return, with some speculating that the Isles are cursed by the Razor Queen. Tharin Stoneheart is able to teleport you to a small MagiQuest in the southern port city of Nelepi within the Kingdom of Vassilia, but will you be able to find a captain brave enough to journey south?  

The Arcadian Isles

        "It is said that these islands and her people are forever cursed with ambition. Every babe born within the region comes out of the womb believing that they are owed everything, and it's all theirs for the taking."

-Cassius Pineriver, "Cassius's Advice on the Land: 5th era"
Arcadian Isles
Geographic Location | Oct 3, 2023

A Land to Match it's People

The Arcadian Isles is known for its sharp and unnavigable terrain, and the same goes for its people. Before its sudden disappearance, the isles were historically isolationist in nature. The people tended to stick to their own, even amongst one another. The ruling power in Arcadia had a massive naval fleet which it used to secure its borders and protect a large trade network. Coastal forts built on large rigid cliffs paint the land, and dense tropic jungles swallow the heart of the landmass. People from the isles tend to be quiet and keep to themselves, but never tended to cause trouble or hold grudges against any other population. The islands population consist of primarily Arcadians, Sea Dwarves, Waz'keen, and Grung.

The Razor Queen's Legacy

The War for the Razor Crown occured at the end of the 4th era, roughly 220 years ago. After years of strengthening her island kingdom, the Razor Queen Mercy looked to grow her power even further. She sent out her best men to travel the world looking for an artifact that would grant her enough power to topple any enemy. One group returned with the Heart of the Sea, which is said to be the still-beating heart of a long-dead sea god of old. With this artifact, all beasts of the sea are at her command, and with it, she went out to conquer the coasts of the world. Krakens, Aboleths, Leviathans, and more tormented all coasts of the world. The entire world was dragged into the conflict and it all ended when a band of Kobold pirates discovered a massive metal ship capable of defeating the armies of the sea. The kingdom of Valori would then use the vessel to end the 10-year war, marking the end of the 4th era and the beginning of the 5th.
What does the message from the Arcadian Isles mean? What happened to the islands and the sailors? Is the threat brought by the Faint Lotus all those months ago gone for good? Or is it just the beginning? Its up to you to discover for yourself...

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