Phaseshift MAW Technology / Science in Long War | World Anvil

Phaseshift MAW

Phaseshift is a type of MAW whose creation is attributed to Aurums, a mysterious race that went extinct around 500 AD, after suffering slow but steady extinction proccess that begun ~100 BC. A process which they were seemingly incapable of stopping, slowly losing planet after planet, with all of their settlements from late era of their empire well hidden beneath barren or somehow inhospitable planets.   Phaseshift MAWs are one of their most mysterious creations. During launch physical rounds are infected with extremely efficient nanites, that within seconds changes them into a small patch of grey goo, controlled my microscopical internal computer armed with its own sensors, allowing the rounds to literally adapt to the situation on the battlefield. For example when a particle shield is detected, they will shape into most spread form possible to cause maximum damage to it, while in case of armour-piercing they will assume form similar to penetrative warheads. When launched in atmosphere, they will shift into form created with causing minimal air resistance in mind, while reshaping into penetrative or antishield form miliseconds prior to hit.   While extremely useful and deadly, they also have their own disadvantages – the process of nanite deconstruction begins in ammunition chamber, making the fire rate significantly slower (at least 50%) than manmade MAWs of similar calibre. What's more there are only medium and high calibre Phaseshift MAWs, and – which is their greatest downside – they still require certain distance to manage to shift into required form, making them a weapon that loses most of its advantages on short distance.


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