Shadow Beast Species in Lonely Night | World Anvil
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Shadow Beast

Shadow beasts, also called Shadow demons, are dark, flexible, shape-shifting creatures that reside in the Shadow Realm. they are either very huge or small creatures. While Humanoid they move on all fours. They are very terrifying and chaotic creatures, causing tragedy and destruction. Retter is half Shadow beast which explains his powers.

Basic Information


in true form, Shadow beasts are large, black, humanoid monsters, with beady eyes that glow red or yellow. They also have antennas on their head and very sharp claws that can instantly kill and leave a dark mark on the victim. They can also have markings on them that are usually, red, blue, or purple.

Biological Traits

A flexible, shadowy figure, deaf/little hearing, Nearsighted, claw-like hands

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown how they reproduce or if they reproduce. It may possible that they are created. If they shapeshift into an animal they can make a half-shadow beast, which has only been possible in Humans.

Ecology and Habitats

They like a cold barren environment like the Shadow realm, where plants have little to no leaves and the sky is either red, signaling daytime or twilight.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feast on the fear and evilness in other people's hearts and will actively hunt them out when not in the Shadow Realm. As they have a harder time surviving in the Human world. When in the Shadow realm they do not need to feast on anything.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Their king/Ruler would be at the top, he controls all the Shadow beasts. The smaller ones are at the bottom while the bigger ones are higher up on the social structure.


Domesticated Shadow Beast would be the Discord family. They are mostly human and have human traits. They do however have some Shadow beast traits like flexibility, deafness/hearing loss, and vision problems, mostly Myopia. Their skin is mostly pale and cannot get tanned the traditional way. Luna gets a little tanned depending on the season and if she's sick but she's still pale.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When they die, Shadow beast spill out a deadly black substance that is used to create the Poison, Malice. Because they are mostly extinct, the making of Malice stopped. The Black substance can leak out in Discord if they are sick enough.

Facial characteristics

Their heads are round, they are faceless, and have beady red or yellow eyes as well as antennas.

Average Intelligence

They are mindless, act on instinct, and follow their master's orders. They don't exactly have free will. Mauritius commands them to cause destruction.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have advanced senses. They can see spirits and have night vision. Their vision is similar to humans but they have a special targeting ability. Their sense of smell is extraordinary. As for hearing, most of them are deaf and rely on their other senses.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

  • Males: Mauritius, Retter, Erebus, Nidhogg, Yeager, Zelus, Victor, Nathaniel, Gerhardt, Daniel, Evander, Tristian, Solaris, 
  • Females: Eris, Ymir, Freya, Nahatima, Astral, Raven, Eve, Nyx, Briar, Artemis, Midna(Midnight), Luna.
  Discord is the last name but there are others. Chambers

Major Organizations

Retter used to be king of Edenstone

Beauty Ideals

The beauty Ideals are not like others. They are mostly traits that they share with Frieda and Retter. There are Discords who do not have these traits but are very beautiful.  
  • Female Long hair, sometimes dark. short, big eyes, bright eye color, round face 
  • Male: Tall, dark hair, Muscular, deep voice,

Major Language Groups and Dialects

German, English

Common Dress Code

Mostly dark colors, black and red is most common

Common Taboos

eating/touching pork


Shadow Beasts were responsible for the Mysterious tragedies that happened in the 1700s, many guards were killed by them as the Von Elden Royal family wanted to capture them. This was stopped when Ludwig became king. There are many ghost villages whose population was wiped out by them with few to no survivors. They kidnapped Frieda, twice, cause destruction in several villages, and had to be rebuilt.   When Retter traveled to the Shadow Realm, he killed every Shadow beast in his way. After Killing Mauritius, all Shadow beast died, making Retter an only survivor. He also inherited the powers as he killed his father.

Historical Figures

Retter Discord, a knight and King. Erebus a knight and Eris the inventor of dark medicine and golden apples, Nidhogg, a pirate, Ymir, Freya, the first female pirate, Zelus, an attorney who solved a 20 year old case within an hour.
Conservation Status
Only Shadow beast left are Retter and his Descendants. All pure creatures were killed by him when Retter killed the Shadow king. People who are part Shadow beast would be the Discord family, including, Gerhardt, Nathaniel, Nyx, Raven, Their father and siblings, and Luna and her siblings.
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are usually black or black-blue and have markings on them that are red, blue, and purple that usually have a symbol, say something in Latin or are just there.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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