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A zeitgeist literally translated means 'spirit of the age', and refers to the amalgamation of characteristics that typified a specific time in world history, or at least the ways that we view those times today.   This is the zeitgeist of Victorian London as it existed as the head of the British empire under Queen Victoria. It is a place where all the ideas and views on that time mingle and interact in ways chaotic and unexpected, more conceptual than physical, and overrun by competing factions of all qualities that wash upon the shores of the Thames.   By day and by night the city breeds myth and is build on legend, consumed by thick fog and ringing with the sounds of industry. Demons frequent the market stalls and stories are the only common currency when souls are kept off the table. Folklore and fairy tales ring true on the streets, most native to the city but often enough are visitors to the hive of activity and trade that defines this melding pot of Gothic charm and steampunk. Occult forces are the true ruling class, all crowned by the fractured Widow of Windsor Castle; the mournful shadow of the Queen Mother.

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