Clairvoyance Condition in Liyr'a | World Anvil
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It started with just a feeling, little moments of just knowing something.  A whispered word of advice or warning was all it ever really was.  Then the dreams began.  At first it seemed like normal dreams, strange and foreign with no real rhyme or reason behind them.  But then a familiar face.  Knowing and recognizing people in the dreams, and then talking to them later and listening to a story that's strangely familiar.  It all just wheels out of control from there.


A divine blessing manifesting in a gift passed down a specific bloodline.


  • headaches
  • dizzyness
  • light sensitivity
  • hallucinations


The god Savras blessed one of this person's ancestors with visions.  They were his voice in a time of strife in the world and allowed him to guide his followers and grant aide from afar.   Even after the Prophet passed on, this gift was passed down to their children giving birth to a long line of Seers.  But time slowly chipped away at the power fueling the gift and the gift began skipping generations, until it was just a myth passed down to their children, but didn't seem to have a basis in truth.   It takes a great deal of magic, and practicing said magic, for the gift to take shape once again.

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