Vrollkeun Settlement in Linape | World Anvil
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Vrollkeun, which holds the southern tip of the Peninsula (including the Evermounts) is home to the proud Vrollkin. These hardy people thrive in the harsh winters and rough terrain of their home.


Vrollkin are all human. Magic is rare.


They have a traditional monarchy with a People's Adviser chosen from the nobility by popular vote of the entire population. The monarch still holds the final say on all decisions.


Their best defenses are natural, as they are surrounded by the Cold Sea on the western, southern, and eastern borders and the Evermounts for most of the north.

Industry & Trade

Vrollkeun is famed for its raw gold and iron (which they trade with the Olthicans, who use it in their crafts) and sourdough bread.


Vrollkeun is home to plentiful windmills and farms, and is famous for their sourdough bread. The Evermounts also contain countless mines.


The Vrollkin once occupied the entire peninsula but were forced to their current location during the Wor Invasion (though the Far Treaty got them some coastline and some land in the Key).


See "Defenses"

Natural Resources

The Evermounts are laced through with gold and iron.
National Territory
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Inhabitant Demonym
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