The Travelers' Barracks Building / Landmark in Linape | World Anvil
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The Travelers' Barracks

This squat, re-purposed warehouse is the training base and home of the Far Travelers. It is located in the business district of the Key.

Purpose / Function

This provides rooms for prospective clients to meet with the Travelers, training areas for the Travelers to hone their skills, and rooms for the Travelers to stay in when in the Key. Everything (including the stocked pantry) is paid for by Lord Verner Jansen.


Ceri, Inga Degen, Alhmid Dharmyn, and Arawen Hier live here. Lord Verner Jansen and Ditliv Kvist also work here.


The former warehouse has had it's lower storage floor separated into individual rooms.


The entrance is through stairs to the second floor, which only holds two short meeting rooms. The floor below, however, is furnished with five bedrooms, a small training area, a kitchen, and a common room.


This was a nondescript warehouse until Jansen bought it seven years ago to serve as the Traveler base due to its ideal location.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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