Bhaciar & Raicahb Character in Limoneyrs | World Anvil
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Bhaciar & Raicahb



Bhaciar & Raicahb were two twin brothers and Half-Orc Paladin adventurers who were originally from Reality 1’s Palebank Village. They joined an adventuring party known as the Interepid Adventurers during an outbreak of the Frigid Woe. Later, they became friends and compainions of the Pieces of Eight in the Remaining Realm and Amalgam.  

Frozen Sick

First introduced in Frozen Sick, Chapter 1-3, Bhaciar & Raicahb were Half-Orc twins, both Paladins, who teamed up with the Ranger Kiruk and the Barbarian Charlene to help save the town of Palebank from a deadly disease known as the Frigid Woe. Eventually their new friend Charlene contracted the Frigid Woe and the party was forced to journey to Salsvault, an ancient labratory rumored to hold a cure.   They followed in the footsteps of Urgon Wenth, the Frigid Woe's patient zero, and sail to Syrinla. They narrowly survived a shark attack, before barely coming in to dock. Then they walked across hundreds of miles of the frozen wilderness of Eiselcross. Unfortunately, their Ranger Kiruk died along the way. With Kiruk dead finding the path was much harder, and they nearly fell victim to the weather. However, the brothers eventually reached Salsvault with Charlene.  

Frozen Cure

It was revealed during Pieces of Eight, Session 19: Frozen Cure that upon reaching Salsvault Bhaciar, Raicahb and Charlene were unable to breach the entrance. Unknowingly, the twins had been caught in a temporal loop that would not resolve until Jimmy Tarkelby, Klearic Faymal, and Vencyne Amakiir arrived and became trapped with them.   Klearic Faymal was capable of opening the vault and together the party of six were able to solve the mystery at the heart of the outbreak. Later, after being freed from the time loop Bhaciar & Raicahb lost Charlene to the Frigid Woe in the Remaining Realm. They mourned her and tossed her body into the ocean. They then went together to retrieve firewood while their new friends investigated Nectarhymn. Bhaciar & Raicahb got wrapped up in a furious competition of firewood collection not returning to Nectarhymn until after The Wish.  

Adapting to Amalgam

During Pieces of Eight, Session 25: Epilogue to Remaining Realm, Bhaciar & Raicahb brought all the wood into the Farmancy and attempted to light it but were promptly arrested. Jailed by the Axis of Elvenkind, Bhaciar & Raicahb were greeted by King Vulidrin and Queen Cynthiri Amakiir. They made fast friends, freely chatting together when Vencyne Amakiir freed them and took them with her to Saltmarsh.
Current Status
Protecting Vencyne
Current Location
Bhaciar has a blue left eye and a brown right eye. Raicahb has the opposite.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization
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