Gunkoro Geographic Location in Likanza | World Anvil
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Gunkoro is the name of a swamp that has large rocks covering most of the golems that roam the area. Water fills all of the area in between them and the ginormous trees that tower over the land. The trees are pretty spaced out from one another, yet a lot of shade remains. Moss creeps onto the rocks as other plants use the water to their advantage. The whole swamp is very peaceful for the wildlife there all appreciate their solitude.   However, right above them live the imps with their own land within the clouds. Their home is never permanent, but they can created whatever room they need in a flash. Their cloud structures can last for years but the imps like to always be on the move, so their whole town is different in a matter of 8 months.They transfer their belongings from place to place with a cloth they hold onto using their talons. They style their structures with decorative swirls and symbols to signify what each place is supposed to be.They do not interact with the creatures living among the swamp. Those in the swamp let the imps explore and gather whatever they need, but they both do not know much about the other.


The rocks that make up most of the land are very round and can be up to 3-7 feet above the water. They usually come in clusters of varying sizes, which causes the streams to be somewhat narrow (in comparison to a regular swamp). The ground under the water is made up of a thick mud that some animals use for shelter, and may also be used by the golems to make small huts.

Fauna & Flora

The golems may snack on some Bladderworts, which is a yellow flower that eats larvae, water fleas, and small worms that they trap their small air sacks. They live in the streams of water the surround the rocks alongside milkweed; meanwhile fern moss and sheet moss grow on the rocks themselves. The most common tree type here is the bald cypress, which often have a large base but a more narrow trunk. There are some mangrove trees and some trees that produce the creek sandpaper fig that most of the fauna nibble on. There are also many small fish, frogs, insects, snakes, and some turtles.
Wetland / Swamp

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