Lawkeepers Organization in Liceva | World Anvil
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The Lawkeepers

The Lawkeepers were formed in the tail end of the Infernal War by Hybora. With the collapse of civilization as many knew it, chaos reigned in the remaining population. Hybora took her most trusted soldiers and sent them out to reinforce what remaining law enforcement there was in the world. Over a few years, Hybora’s soldiers were seen as their own force of order, and she formalized them as an organization. Built heavily upon some of the Aventi ideals, the Lawkeepers were a highly trained organization, often handpicked by people she trusted from promising sheriffs. After the war, Hybora left the organization but took on an advising role; leaving her underlings to run the organization. Many years that have passed since Hybora stepped down to lead the Aventi civilization, the Lawkeepers have spread across the continent, but continue to have extremely high standards.   A Full Lawkeeper generally outranks any local sheriff or judge, which allows them to pass judgement on corrupt officials as well. Indeed, Full Lawkeepers have authority to judge and execute even local leaders if they deem it wise and necessary. As such, the standards remain extremely high to get that level of authority. There are about 30 full fledged Lawkeepers in the continent, and about 1,200 other mortals in the organization with varying levels of authority.   Anyone can apply to join the Lawkeepers at one of the major regional offices, but very few make the cut. Most new recruits are often a sheriff with a recommendation from a Lawkeeper working in the field.   The Headquarters of the Lawkeepers is in Cymrin, lead by the current Pravda (Shara of Cymrin the Aventi word for “Highest Judgement”. This also serves as the regional office for the Northwest portion of the continent. There are four other Avdas on the continent leading a regional office, one in he southwest based out of Whytecoin, one in the Cyrdd peninsula, and one in the Southeast, based in Verith. The Avda for the Fhaard is based in Kelbom.  

Lawkeeper Organization

  • (1) Pravda
  • (4) Avda
  • (25) Malavda - No authority outside the Lawkeepers, but conducts follow-up investigations if a Lawkeeper has taken a particularly drastic measure, like executing a local leader. They have the authority to pass judgement on other Lawkeepers.
  • Full Lawkeeper - Full authority, can pass judgement on any non-Lawkeeper
  • Lawkeeper - Authority over local justice systems in investigations, can not pass judgement on local law enforcement, must pass that to a full lawkeeper.
  • Lawhands - Authority over citizenry, main task is providing their expertise and support to local law enforcement.
  • Support Staff - No legal authority; paralegals, messengers, etc.

The Seven Pointed Star of the Lawbringers


  • Integrity - As a lone agent, Lawkeepers must be above reproach. They must commit to the principles and values that guide them; the pursuit of ethical behaviour never ends. The justice dealt by a Lawkeeper should never be called into question.
  • Respect - A Lawkeeper, while he outranks the local officials, must respect their knowledge and capabilities. He must also respect his adversaries, for underestimating them could mean the death of both innocence and the Lawkeeper.
  • Civility - The lawkeeper must remain civil, showing tolerance, kindness, consideration, and understanding. Maintaining civility can help to avoid many verbal and physical hazards, and maintaining civility in the face of potentially explosive circumstances can prevent harm to the Lawkeeper and others.
  • Knowledge - A Lawkeeper must have knowledge of the laws of the land and of his assigned area. Small townships and hamlets may have their own laws and customs, and it is up to the Lawkeeper to make sure he knows the law of the area before attempting to enforce it.
  • Humility - Humility is not meekness or weakness, but modesty and respect for others. A Lawkeeper should have confidence in their skills and not feel the need to show off; a Lawkeeper wields immense authority and power and has a prominent role in society.
  • Dedication - Lawkeepers tend to work alone, and as such, they need to have the drive and initiative to do their work without much oversight. A lawkeeper must have the zeal to fight crime and remain aware of crime trends and patterns in their area to intervene before things get out of hand.
  • Strength - Mental and physical strength and competency are a crucial part of the Lawkeeper’s work. Maintaining a strong mind and body allows the Lawkeeper to adapt to any situation, and defend themselves and innocents should the need arise.
  • At the center of the star, and the most important aspect of being a Lawkeeper, is Judgement, in every sense of the word.

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