The Republic of Brothers Organization in Libertaria | World Anvil
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The Republic of Brothers


The Republic is governed by a Senate elected by the adults members of the nation.  The senate then elects a Chancellor from among themselves to serve as the leader of the nation and the executive branch.  The Chancellor then appoints judges who are approved by the Senate to serve in the Supreme Court (the judiciary branch).

Public Agenda

To Spread Democracy and Brotherly Love


Out of the ruins of Philadelphia, a group of historians discovered the Source of Power under Independence Hall.  They used that power to restore the hall and decided to found a republic in the image of "America," a nation that seems to have come before them.


They control the land in PA that is East of Lancaster and most of New Jersey & Delaware.


They have an army of volunteers that serve the interests of the Chancellor and the Senate.  While war must be declared by the Senate, the Chancellor is given the ability to lead the army and appoint Generals. Their army is small and they are stretched thin across their small territory.

Peace Through Brotherly Love

Geopolitical, Republic
Legislative Body
The Senate
Judicial Body
The Supreme Court

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