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Nature is one of the most important parts of this world. Colors and vibrancy are also essential. Basically the cliches; gigantic trees, huge rainforests, stretching mountain ranges, wide open plains, etc. It's not decided how it works yet, but color will be a large part of the world; symbolically and/or literally. At this current moment, there are at least three main 'kingdoms' who have the most power. A territory ruled by twins, whose color is blue; a 'free-range' territory with the colors green and purple; and lastly, a council with a combination of other colors not yet decided on. Navy will also be a large part of this world, along with different creatures. Dragons will be a thing too, god do I love dragons. Oh, in the steampunk aspect, the blue 'kingdom' are the pioneers of development and technology and from this have become long-time trading partners with the 'council'. While generally everywhere, the neo-noir aspect is mostly prominent within the slums of each 'kingdom'; mostly the cities bordering the 'council' and the blue 'kingdom'. Along the border between 'free-range' and either the concil or The Blue there are some large piles of scrap metal and trash. Within the navy aspect, pirates are a thing. a very cool thing. Imagine steampunk dragon pirates. Imagine it.

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