Neo & Southern Keleva Language in Legends of the Aether | World Anvil
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Neo & Southern Keleva

Kiv’lar - In Southern Keleva, and even Neo Keleva, Kiv'lar is the dominant language of the sentient races. It is mostly spoken properly by goblins, who had been believed to have originated speaking the language to communicate with each other. It can actually be a complex language, and as well established as commoner, surprisingly.  
  • · Kul'ba - Sometimes considered a “broken” version of Kiv'lar, as Kelevan orcs aren’t as intelligent as those that lived in Trepheon, the dialect of Kul'ba was spoken by the orcs native to the region. It sounds a bit slowed down and it is less complex than the initial language, as well as there being emphasis on making shorter, concise sentences so that they don't have to talk, much. Surprisingly, orcs and goblins - although not too fond of each other - have built a society together with their language, and can understand each other relatively well through conversation.
  • · Ad'lak - The minotaurs native to the continent also speak the language of Kiv'lar, except their accent sounds like it has more harsh sounding groans that can be accompanied by a speaking minotaur. All in all, the language - in spite of its differences, is well understood between sentient races on the continent. As for other people who are unfamiliar with the language of minotaurs or even Kiv'lar, itself, it's safe to say they may have a hard time understanding them.
  Veterisian - The language spoken by Trolls, it is said to be very clunky and primitive, consisting of different sounding grunts and screeches. It is basically impossible for other peoples to learn this language as Trolls are excellent in hiding and are unable to teach others their language.   Trilabi - A language comprised mostly of clicking sounds and throat vocalizations, this language, while extremely difficult to understand for someone who isn't a Silkman, can be taught and learned just as any other, Its syntax is simple, and the pitch, frequency and loudness of the clicking sounds and slight vocalizations form the words and phrases.   Aéstach - The language spoken by Helivians, it is a language said to use whistles, squeeks and clicks. Few Helivians still use the language, but it is still taught to some of their young.

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