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Legends Never Die

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Nowhere is a tourist trap if ever there was one. Buskers stand on every street corner and neon lights advertising "FOR TONIGHT ONLY!" and "PSYCHIC MIND READING!" or "VOTED BEST PIZZA!" are on every building. Cozy cafes and musty pawn shops find many visitors during the day, while smoky bars and the old opera house take in guests at night. And above it all, the lights from the ferris wheel twinkle and the faint sound of music can be heard drifting from the boardwalk on the coast.   For a tourist trap though, there seems to be a noticeable lack of hotels, inviting the guests to a longer stay. There's no tourist shops with postcards and t-shirts, advertising the city to newcomers, no incentive for tourists to come back or stay longer than a day. And yet, the tourists come and the city thrives. If pressed about their trip to Nowhere, a tourist couldn't really tell you where it was exactly, why they decided to go, or what they did. The only consistent information they would probably give is that it was magical.   For the locals, all the pizazz and gimmicks are just old hat. After spending a lifetime in a city of wonder, the magic starts to wear off. The big city starts to feel like a small town when most of the newcomers stay less than a day, and none of the locals have ever left city limits, or at least left and returned.

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