The Garden Building / Landmark in Legend Continuum | World Anvil
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The Garden

"I love the garden - especially the little bees, they're so cute- Wait...! Can we get some butterflies!?"

- Resonant, ship psion

While incredibly advanced, the resources for The Ship are not infinite. Eventually, the oxygen and many other life-support functions would run out. Since the outside world is incredibly dangerous and unpredictable, the decision was made to attempt to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. To accomplish this, Wekesa Abebe, with the help of some AI pollinators, cultivate a variety of plants below the central chamber in order to recycle the air and serve as food crops.

Originally referred to as a farm, passengers quickly disregarded this name, instead it colloquially gained a more cheerful name: "The Garden". Wekesa, an expert in plant biology, also teaches herbology to other passengers.


Wekesa Abebe - herbology specialist
Parent Location

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