Momin Ethnicity in Latani | World Anvil
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The Momin are an insectoid race whose features resemble that of moths. They are well known for their beautiful colors of every pattern imaginable on their bodies, wings and large jewel-like eyes. The Momin stand upright at around five or six feet tall, with three-jointed legs and four arms; the two larger arms at the shoulders have four pointed fingers while the two smaller arms lower on the torso bear two large, sharp claws. Like other insects, the Momin have an abdomen at the base of their backs to hold secondary organs, though it is small in size when compared to the rest of their bodies. The wings of the Momin are their most defining features, double the width of their bodies each, covered in unique patterns and able to fold up neatly behind their backs like a stylish cape. The feathery antennae on top of the Momin's head are used to sense pheromones, air particles and even emotions based on hormones, aided with their large primary eyes and second set of smaller eyes above, they have some of the greatest senses of any race on Latani. The Momin are delicate in frame, with thin wings and softer exoskeletons than that of the other insectoid race, the Swarmers, and because of this they very rarely have warriors or efficient military. The Momin make up for this setback with the slightly reflective hypnotic patterns on the underside of their wings to daze and disorient enemies. Another defense is the powdery dust that builds up in the fluff on their torsos, which can be shaken out and blown into the faces of foes using a beat from their wings.   The Momin are uncommon nowadays, making what small settlements they can as far away from the desert and badlands as possible, away from the wrath of the Swarmers. Back during the reign of Lord Ledoux during the Second Reform, the Momin were slaughtered and enslaved by the uncontested Swarmers, another insectoid race that saw the Momin as vastly inferior due to their fragile bodies and calm nature. Under the Swarmers, many of the Momin had their wings cut off and hung as art, while others were worked or starved to death while constructing Swarmer temples. The most unfortunate were those deemed pretty enough to be the servants and pets of war chiefs. Having endured this abuse over many years had left the Momin broken and scattered, still trying to recover from the effects of their eradication and the war that followed that brought an end to the Swarmer's influence. Many consider them a tragically resilient race who have already faced the worst of Latani's history.


Shared customary codes and values

Back then, the Momin were the most artistic species in Latani, making beautiful sculptures, paintings and murals honoring the gods and Latani itself. Because they were not as adept fighters, groups of Momin would often ally themselves with other races to avoid making enemies during the Lost Age, making themselves useful where they could, most if not all art in some older towns and cities were crafted by Momin in favor for their hosts. They were described as a very kind and cheery people who cared very deeply for the people around them and to the lands they lived in. Due to their history with slavery, they still hold deep resentment toward all Swarmers, and their once cheery nature has all but faded away into bitterness, depression and contempt.

Common Dress code

A common article of Momin clothing is that of their waist sashes, long pieces of pattered cloth which are wrapped around their lower bodies as a form of decency and fashion. Another common item worn by the Momin is that of their arm braces (or Shukla), which serve as both attire, protection and as an important representation of belonging, with the braces engraved with patterns unique to each Momin family. These intricate bands are clamped around the primary forearms of the Momin, and are considered a great honor to be worn, those without the bracelets are either orphans or exiles.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Before the rein of Ledoux, the Momin would partake in lavish balls and festivals, where the Momin would participate in slow, spinning, hypnotic dances in the fancy halls that were once built in their towns. The Momin would commune with their wings unfurled and their pheromones released in great quantities, which was a collectively euphoric feeling for the Momin when sensed through their feathery antennae. These great gatherings are almost nonexistent now due to the Momin's scattered community and slow recovery from the events of Ledoux's era during the Second Reform.
"The most beautiful, artistic and tragic peoples of Latani. It's truly commendable and inspiring how they keep going despite their history during the War of Flesh and Scales."
  • F.L.
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