Rammies Species in Las Aminour | World Anvil
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Rammies, or commonly called jackalopes in other realities, are curled-horned rabbits. They live in unpopulated areas, but like Raccoons, the people of Ver D'nor enjoy domesticating them as pets, usually more in the western countries of the continent.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Ramies have horns that extrude from their temples (above their floppy ears), that they use for tussling and wrestling with each other and also defense from attackers.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rammies generally live for over 10 years, with the oldest rammie known to be 17 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Rammies thrive in wooded or plains areas. However, with the domestication in the west, rammies have been brought to almost every environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rammies enjoy grasses and vegetables, though specifically not red fruits. While the reason is currently unknown, rammies become unexplainably become very sick if not die.


Rammies are very playful, and are not afraid of people as most creatures are. This is why domesticating them is so easy.

Additional Information

Social Structure

While rammies don't have a social structure, per se, however they tend to follow the rammie with the largest horns.


Rammies are very easily domesticated, which has taken hold in the west. By feeding them lots of grass, combing and cleaning their fur and horns, and giving them a nice place to bed, a rammie will be very open to staying at that person's house and considering them as a parent.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In the north-west, some cultists use rammie horns as ornamental helmets to show which member is the leader. This causes rammies to be a little bit more skittish in the north-west than anywhere else.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Generally found in the western countries, although some of them can be found in the east.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Rammies don't name themselves, however Humans will name domesticated rammies as "Floofy", "Bucktooth", and "Ears".

Major Organizations

The Church of the Lasts was well known for putting rammie horns on their helmets to show the leader of their regional sects.

Common Taboos

It is very much a taboo in the eastern part of Ver D'nor to capture and domesticate rammies.


Originally found by Algernon Cholmondeley in the year 723 in his first nationwide travel, where it was placed in the Richel coat of arms.

Historical Figures

Algernon Cholmondeley - the original founder of the rammies during his first nationwide travel.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Rammies seem to be more friendly towards Chugustians, Lapine, and Hill Dwarves.
Scientific Name
Aries leporis
10 years
Conservation Status
In the eastern countries of Ver D'nor, the domestication or capturing of rammies is considered disrespectful and is punishable by thirteen years in prison.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Rammies' fur colours come in grey, brown, and dusty tan.
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