Tidefall Tradition / Ritual in Lands of the Last Age | World Anvil
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The tides annually retreat this day for five days and members of the tidal faiths spend those five days worshipping and entreating the sea to return. This is often done out in the tidal zone where people dance, pray and worship around bonfires where sacrifices of fish and grain are made. The bonfires are believed to light the way for Bruth so that she may return. Undertakers officiate at larger gatherings and often read from the knotted ropes telling ancient tales and allegories instilling the teachings of the faith.    These rituals are practiced around the world and have variations from different cultures. People from the Elephant coast do not celebrate this event but dread it because year after year the returning tides cause more destruction as the lands there are hardly above sea level. In Avalia or the Trade States it is a celebrated tradition and is something most people (who aren't sailors or fishers) look forward to every year.    No one knows the cause of this event but some scholars argue that the event grows longer every year, the returning tides will become more like tsunamis as time passes on causing more places to suffer as the elephant coast does.


All participating villages are generally coastal though travelers will come and participate. Undertakers play an important role traveling through the tidelands bonfire to bonfire preaching the Tidal Faith and sharing tales from the ropes.


On the 11th of Mensis the tides recede and traditionally they return on the 15th though it tends to be unreliable.

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