Last Day Tradition / Ritual in Lands of the Last Age | World Anvil
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Last Day

The end of every year is recognized as the winter solstice or more commonly called the last day. The day is typically celebrated by gathering to gather with friends and family to share gifts and meals. A fire must be maintained through the night to represent the mortals' will to live on through the darker times of life. There is time to reflect on the hardships of life and that death is an inevitability. Humor and song is often used to bring light to the unpleasantries of life and figuratively lighten up the darkness of sorrow in the minds of those present.    The Last Day is a cherished celebration among many cultures seeing slight differences in cultural practices across societies and races. For instance the High Elves of Veallim Sum'rae seclude themselves within their homes and do not speak nor eat the entire day, taking time to quietly meditate upon their lives and what the future might hold. Humans who live much shorter lives than elves do see the day as a reminder of the shortness of life and take the time to eat, drink and be merry with their communities and loved ones. Typically Human dominated societies celebrate the unofficial "Last Week" as only having one short day to celebrate a cherished tradition was not enough. As such these societies often attract tourism during the winter time of the year, becoming somewhat monetized and in some opinions, corrupted. The popularity of the human practices have caused many other cultures to adopt their practices and is now as of 5 AC       On the shortest day, 'fore the longest night. Tis where us mortals lay  huddled tight in fright.   To live 'neath the brightest day  'fore the longest night A blessing! No way to repay, to bathe in mothers light.   Oh! In that we have delight to live before the night.

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