Feast of All Saints Tradition / Ritual in Lands of the Last Age | World Anvil
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Feast of All Saints

The day after the Harvest Festival and the 1st of Allhallig is the day when all the Saints are celebrated even those who are not individually recognized. Traditionally the day is spent praying and fasting at shrines dedicated to a Saint. Then when the sun sets a feast of bread and wine is had in their names.


The Feast of All Saints can be traced back to an elven tradition called ______. Traditionally it was a day to remember ancestors and their great achievements but when other "lesser" races became involved elven heroes where given a divine status and were named Saints by the Church of the Holy Light. This became the norm and many legendary elves have become Saints along with a few from other races. Though across the globe some Saints aren't recognized as legitimate. In the Beastlands for example, there have been many requests to recognize a Loxodon named Tamuj as a Saint, which has been heavily contested by many members of the CHL.    There has been a desire in more recent years to abridge the Book of Saints because some feel that there are too many or that they distract from the truly divine gods. The United Order is the loudest of these voices and they push hard for a return to the worship of Order over all other supposed deities.    Some popular Saints include: 
  • Diana, Patron Saint of passion, matriarch of elven kind
  • Doma, Patron Saint of scholars
  • Atrius, Patron Saint of warriors and the first human Saint
  And more recently; 
  • Ray, Patron Saint of the hopeless and Savior of the lost (Though this is highly contested and controversial). 


on the 1st of Allhalig

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