Brrec Settlement in Lands of Elsmar | World Anvil
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The City of Colors


The City of Brrec lays east of the Eldest River sister, north of the City of Elgard, and west of The Stone Waste. The City was once a common stop for anyone going in and out of the cities of Coralan and Svilina by land, as its the last stop before traveling thought the Land O' Krown, a stretch of land that is defenseless against Krownmen.  


The City is well known for its Cannon Towers, a set of structures on the east side of the city, that are used to capture Rouge Mountains, these towers shoot heavy adamantine harpoons, using a mixture of Black Powder and Flamestone, both mined from the city's quarries, the Mountains themselves provide the rare Cloudstone along with raw ores that are usually found deep below the mountains, the cannons themselves were given to the city by the Empire of Amarin. The Ruins of Brrec are also quite popular, the City of Color is a set of underground buildings all buried beneath the land surrounding Brrec, these buildings are all cover in a set of colorful crystals that are carefully mind and gather, these crystals are usually clusters of Flamestone, Blackstone, and Riverstone, along with more ordinary gems, of which Flamestone and Blackstone are the more valuable. The Arches of Brrec are another part of the ruins that pierces through the cliff walls and stretch halfway across the river it is said these structures are also part of the City of Color, but it's unknown what purpose they server or if they ever had any crystals like the rest of the city.
6k +
Inhabitant Demonym


Majority: Human
  Minority: Elven
  Rare: Orcish, Dwarven  


Primary: Common
Secondary: Allbraail

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Cover image: Pirate Cove Establishing by Kevin Jick


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