Alwynter Province Organization in Lands of Alwynter | World Anvil
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Alwynter Province

The province of Alwynter. The start from which the Alwynter Confederacy was founded. Despite not being the larges of towns or cities, the settlements of Alwynter are prominent for their role in the founding of the confederacy. Before the province of Alwynter, having been madeup of the commonwealth towns that joined the initial iteration of the confederacy, they were simply settlements fending for themselves. After joining forces and founding the confederacy, they expanded slowly, growing their borders to the nearby states around them. While these in time joined the confederacy, it was Alwynter, the province where the identity of the confederacy itself is more prominent.   It is headed by it's provincial capital, Thathes, the town where the agreement to found the Confederacy was first envisioned and later signed.   Places of Interest:
  • Alwynter Estate (Thelmond)
  • The Black City Gate (Wearcaston)
  • Explorer's Guild (Marven)
  • Estate of the Governor (House of the Governor of Alwynter)

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